Chapter Thirteen: Twins of Mercy

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Error's POV:

I wake up the next morning to see that I'm laying in Nightmare's arms. I blush brightly, even though we've slept together before. Then again, it was out in the clearing. Removing myself from his hold while making sure he stays asleep, I change into a simple red T and grey pants. I head over to the door. Looking back to see Nighty still asleep, I leave the room.

I walked down the hallway, looking at the cement walls and wooden floor. I eventually arrived at the room that is holding the people we found. My ruby wings folded on my back, I opened the door. I smiled softly when I saw the two of them awake and sitting on the beds. I walked in the room but not too far in so I invade their space.

"Who are you..? Where are we..?" The one in orange asked.

"I'm Error! You're in my grandmother's home one of the guest rooms. We found you two passed out in a clearing." I explained.

"Are... you a monster?" The one in blue wondered.

"I am. A skeleton infact." I answered. "What are your names?"

"I'm Merciful, this is my brother Merciless." The one in orange said, gesturing to the other.

"Pleasure to meet you." I smiled. I giggled quietly as I heard their stomachs growl. I offered a hand to them. "Come on, I'll make breakfast." I smiled as they got up and took my hand.

We made our way down the hall, arriving in the kitchen. Merciless and Merciful sat in a chair while I got ingredients out. I made pancakes with the few ingredients.

"How do you make food with so little supplies?" Merciless asked curiously.

"Not everything has to be made with 500 supplies." I chuckled, flipping a pancake. "If you know what you have, you can make good food with little and cheap supplies."

"How Old Are You?" Merciful questioned.

"310. You two?" I hummed.

"410." They said in unison.

I nod to show that I heard before putting pancakes on plates. I handed it to them along with syrup and fruit, not to mention silverware. I then returned to making pancakes, this time for everybody else. I hummed quietly as I did so.

"So If we're older, why are you the one making food?" Merciless smirked.

"Guess it's habit." I laughed.

"Erry?" Ink mumbled, stepping into the room. I looked over to see him looking at me tiredly. "What Are you doing?"

"Making pancakes." I replied, abandoning the food to lead my baby cousin to a chair. I giggled when I saw him perk up sleepily. I kissed his skull with a smile before resuming my cooking.

Dream, Nightmare, and Oma entered the room in that order. Eventually, all food was made and passed out. Oma had tried helping me cook, but I denied. I smiled as I watched Ink inhale the pancakes, now more awake.

"So, who are your parents?" Dream asked the twins curiously. I was sitting in between Nighty and Ink, Oma on Ink's other side and Dream on Nighty's other side. My skull was resting on Nighty's shoulder.

"We only remember our mother's name from when we were dropped off at the orphanage. Her name was Mercy." Merciless chirped, causing everybody but Oma and the twins freeze up.

"...Mercy...?" Ink repeated quietly.

"Yeah, why?" Merciful wondered.

"That's Dream and I's mother's name..." Nightmare answered, causing the remaining three to freeze.

"So... we're siblings...?" Merciless questioned.

"Yeah..." I confirmed, rubbing Nightmare's back assuringly.

"I knew our parents were horrible but abandoning their own kids?" Nightmare muttered to himself, frowning.

"What else did they do?" Oma asked with a frown.

"Mother And Father use Nighty and I as 'errand boys'. Only attention we get from them is when they want us to do something." Dream explained.

"The outlook for deity parenting is looking bleak, no offence Oma." I commented dully.

"None taken Error. It's true." Path says.

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