Chapter One: The Generations Before

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We all know and love/hate the deities such as Fate and Destiny. But have you ever wondered what happened before? Who came before them? Who was the original Deity? Where are they now? Well, it's time to find out, don't you think? To find out about the generations before.




Fate and Destiny were not the first deities, nor are they the last. In the beginning, there was nobody. No people, no land, no realms, no multi-verses, nobody.

Then, one day, the very first creator passed what we know as the fourth and fifth wall. Their name was Anonymus, Anon for short. They did not have a gender, face, clothes, or anything really. All they had was a desire to explore, a name, and a grey body.

It confused Anon when they entered this realm. Wasn't there meant to be someone? But as they explored the grey wasteland, just a lighter shade than themselves. Something they could easily blend into, they came across nobody.

After everything they'd seen in realms, places where humans and animals were the only ones to exist, places where voices all around jumped through 'servers', places where people could write others lives and others would read it, they'd thought they'd seen it all. Yet, here they were. In an empty realm.

They knew they were running out of time. There was only so much time until they'd have to go before something happened to them. They learned that the hard way when they became what they are today, a grey body with an anonymous name. So, Anonymous, for the first time, created something. They created a girl with galaxy hair, a white tank top, a rose shawl, a rose skirt, and white slippers. He laid a note beside the sleeping women, letting her know some basic information before he left.

When the lady woke up, she was confused. Where was she? Better yet, who was she? She looked around and found the note. She picked it up and read it.

'Hello Celestial. I have one job for you, then you can go about your way to do whatever you desire. All I want you to do is to build this realm into a place of peace.'

Celestial tilted her head confused, but did so anyway. She created the Deities realm, the original multi-verses, and many more. But it lacked one thing. People. She may be the first deity, but she could not create living beings. So, she did something else. She took each half of her soul and made them into two beings. Yin and Yang.

Because of this, she could not exist alongside them. But she wanted to know how he creations would end up. So, she put a spell on herself. in 100,000,000,000 years she would be reincarnated. Yes, a long time indeed. But that's how spells worked back then. There could only be powerful spells.

But that is not how people know of the story. The way others know it, her name was Deity, and the stars formed her, wanting a guardian for the deities realm. After creating the first multiverse, she had spilt herself into Yin and Yang. The stars did not like this, however, and put a spell on her to be reincarnated into the far future. From that time, life went on, deities born and dying by fatal wounds, generations pass.

There are some known deities that are known throughout deity history, but sadly passed. These deities are called Celestial, Yin, Yang, Order, Chaos, Balance, and many more. Since deities can not die by age, they all passed by wounds or corruption.

Time had passed and we come into the present. What is this present I speak of? Well, it's the time for a certian change. One where children of deities were not deities. The time where two skeletons were born. Who are these skeletons? Well... One of their names is...

Growing Up By Your Side (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora