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It has been a couple of days since the duel between Seto and Yugi. Since then, Seto hasn't come into school and I'm worried about him. Apparently, he even pulled out of the regional tournaments.

Anyways, we were in the classroom. Yugi sat at a desk with Joey and Téa ,who were playing Duel Monsters. Me, Tristan, Bakoura and two others stood around the desk watching.
"Joey, make a move already!" Tristan says and Joey then places a rock type monster in attack mode.
"'Kay, here ya go tough guy. My rock ogre's gonna rock your back." Joey remarks. Téa then places a fairy type monster in defense mode, "Yeah tea, like that wimpy card has a chance against my rock guy. Give it up!" This makes me roll my eyes.
"Guess I don't stand a chance unless I use The Breath Of The Light card." Téa sighs as she puts down the spell card.
"Huh, she can do that?" Joey asks.
"Oh yeah, The Breath Of The Light wears down any rock monsters, reduces them to rubble." Yugi explains, causing Joey's eyes to widen and for me to smirk.
"That brings your life points down to 0, Joey. Once again, you lose and I rock!" Téa exclaims.
"You stink at this game Joey." Tristan comments.
"You're only using monster cards, Joey. You're missing out on all the combinations and strategies to win." I sigh. Joey then groans in annoyance and leans forward.

*Time skip*

Me, Joey and Yugi are outside at some of the bars (A/N: I still don't know what it's called). Yugi is sitting on the lower one while Joey is leaning against the other one, crossing his arms on it, and I lean against the side pole in between them, facing the opposite direction.
"Tristan's right, Yugi, Rosa. I do stink. I can't win Duel Monsters to save my life. What is it, Yugi, Rosa? Why can't I win? Teach me what I'm doing wrong!" Joey whines.
"Well, let's start by checking your deck." Yugi says as he jumps off the bar and walks over to Joey. I also walk over to them and stand next to Yugi.
"Huh? Okay. Here ya go." Joey replies as he takes out his deck from his pocket and gives it to Yugi. Me and Yugi look through the cards to see nothing but monster cards.
"Powerhouse lineup don't you think?" Joey smirks proudly.
"No one can win with these. Joey, your deck is filled with nothing but monster cards." Yugi tells Joey.
"You got it! Packed it with every butt-kicking monster I could find." Joey remarks.
"But that's not how the game works, Joey. Magic cards are supposed to be used with your monster cards to increase their power."I explain.
"With no magic in your deck, your monsters will get creamed everytime." Yugi adds. Joey walks around the pole to me and Yugi and puts a hand on each of our shoulders, "Huh? See! That's the kind of knowledge I need to know. Yugi, Rosa, you've gotta help me learn more" Joey begs.
"I'm not a good teacher. I may know a lot about Duel Monsters and it's one of the only times I will speak, but I'm really busy when I'm not hanging out with you so I can't teach you, sorry." I reply with a frown.
"My Grandpa's the expert in the family. Maybe he can help." Yugi comments, causing Joey to yell and thank Yugi over and over. However, Yugi states that it may not be certain as his Grandpa may not agree to teach him.

After school, the three of us go to the Game Shop. Yugi's Grandpa was on a ladder, putting a new Duel Monsters poster on the wall.
"Hey Grandpa, I brought you a new student." Yugi states.
"Huh? Student?" Yugi's Grandpa questions as he looks at us.
"I was hoping, since you know more about Duel Monsters than anyone, maybe you'd teach me." Joey explains. Yugi's Grandpa climbs down the ladder and gets off and responds, "Teach you? Duel Monsters is a very complex game."
"Yeah, tell me about it. Téa beat me 3 games in a row."
"Actually, Téa beat you 5 times in a row, Joey." Yugi corrects, shocking Yugi.
"Five?! Aw, man. Huh?" Joey gets distracted and looks at the poster Yugi's Grandpa just put up.
"Hmm. Yes, I could teach you to be a great tournament duelist, but only if you're willing to spend endless days and sleepless nights filled with rigorous training." Yugi's Grandpa explains with a serious tone.
"Ahh, piece of cake." Joey comments with a smile.
"With an attitude like that, teaching you may not be worth my effort." This makes Joey anxious with what Yugi's Grandpa just said.
"Nice going there, smartmouth." Yugi sighs. Joey droops to the floor, kneeling and begging Yugi to try and convince his Grandpa to teach him.
"Listen, Joey, teaching you Duel Monsters is too big of a challenge, even for my Grandpa." Yugi sighs.
"It's not impossible." Yugi's Grandpa states.
"Huh? You mean it, Gramps?"
"Joey, he already said that he can't do it, and if he can't do it, he can't do it."
"He never said he couldn't do it, just that it may not be worth his effort" I comment.
"Rosa's correct." Yugi's Grandpa says and then he focuses on Joey, "But if I agree, you must work hard."
"I'll do anything! I promise! I promise!" Joey yells in a desperate voice.
"Hmm, fine. Then we'll begin your instruction immediately my young friend, and believe me, under my tutelage, you will learn. Now can you name the most powerful Duel Monster?"
"Ehh, no"
"Can you name the weakest?"
"You do know what a trap card is, don't you?"
"Kinda... Uh, I have no idea."

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