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It's been a couple weeks since Duelist Kingdom and unfortunately, Dad had yet to recover from the events.

We were all in the classroom and Yugi was telling us about a new game shop opening near Yugi's Grandpa's one.
"You sure? There's a spankin' new game shop?!" Joey asks.
"Yeah. My Grandpa's real worried about it "
"It just opened." Téa adds, "They've got all the latest and greatest games. They were really trying to hype this new one, something about Dice or Dungeons."
"You mean the Dungeon Dice Monsters?" I question, and Joey spikes up and mentions that it was on the newspaper.
"What? You never read the newspaper!" Téa exclaims.
"I read 'em when I'm out deliverin' 'em, ok?" Joey retorts.
"Why are you delivering newspapers?"
"Listen, Téa I don't get one of them big fat allowances. I just need a little extra spendin' money, that's all. I gotta save every penny of that award money Yugi gave me for my sister's operation."
"Hey, how is your sister doing?" Tristan asks.
"Great! The eye guy says she's gonna see good as new, and the first thing she's gonna see is my beautiful mug!"
"Wow, Joey, that's awesome news!" Yugi exclaims while I just smile and nod.

Suddenly, a we hear a bunch of chattering coming from the class next door so we all peak through the door to find a crowd of girls surrounding some new guy.
"Who is this guy?" Joey asks as the guy shows the girls some trick with some dice on the desk, but I couldn't see what it was. There were two boys sitting opposite eachother at a desk chatting so Tristan interrupted them to see if they knew.
"Yeah, that's Duke Devlin. He owns that new game shop that just opened up." They respond.
"That guy's got it all." Tristan comments.
"Nah. If there's one thing I can't stomach, it's a guy who'll do anything to get a girl's attention. He's a filthy show-off!" Joey groans.
"I'd be careful, Joey. He's quite a challenge to beat by the looks of it." I sigh.
"And I just thought you couldn't stand guys who were more popular with the girls than you." Tea smirks.
"Listen, Téa, if I wanted, I could be just as popular, but I don't want to stool to the level of that 2-bit Houdini." Joey proudly states, "I have self-respect and I got more talent in my little pony than he'll ever have."
"If you count talking with food in your mouth a talent."
"Didn't you catch any of my moves in the Duelist Kingdom, you numbskull?!"
"Didn't I crush you though? And that was me being nice." I sigh, making Joey clench his fists as he tries to make up a comeback before Tristan starts joking about Joey adding 'lucky' to his list of talents which causes them to loudly talk to eachother and making everyone state at them.
"Oh, come on Yuge, you have to back me up. I was one of the best Duelists on the Island." This manages to get the attention of Duke who gets up and walks over to us.
"I don't wish to intrude, but I couldn't help overhearing you dabble in the game of Duel Monsters."
"Dabble Smabble. Now, listen up. If you new the first thing about Duel Monsters then you would now all about Bandit Keith, the Intercontinental Champion. The guy was unbeatable, and you should've seen me wipe the floor with him." Joey smugly states as he taps his forehead, making us all sigh.
"Good thing Joey's not a show-off." Téa comments.
"I guess modesty must be another talent of Joey's."
"All right. I'll autograph a card for you." Duke then faces Yugi, shocking Joey out of his cocky state.
"What have we here? Are you Yugi Muto, Champion of the Duelist Kingdom?"
"Um, yeah." Yugi replies, nervously smiling.
"I heard a great deal about the way you play the game."
"Hey, Dicey, what have you heard about me, Joey Wheeler? Hmm, hmm."
"Nothing at all." Duke smirks.
"Hey, Duke, be nice to him will ya." I ask him with a small smile.
"You know him?!" Joey yells as he faces me.
"Are you really surprised?" I sigh.
"It's been a while, hasn't it Rosa? Good to see you're able to speak to people better."
"You don't have to push it Duke." I pout, "You managed to open a whole game shop since we last met and you didn't tell me. We're gonna have to catch up." After saying this, I could see a bunch of Duke's fangirls death staring me so I moved behind Tristan and just poked my head out. Duke then faces Joey, "Why don't we play a little game? And you can show this little ladies what you're made of?"
"What game?"
"This." Duke replies as he shows a cup and a single die, "A cup and dice are we need to play the game. Are your talents up to the challenge?"
'I swear I said be nice.'
Duke's fangirls then start to chant about how cute Duke is.
"Alright, Devlin. Bring it on!"
"Then let's Rock 'n' Roll!"

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