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Joey was celebrating the fact that he had beat Mai.
"Is there a time limit on how long he gets to crow?" Tea asks.
"Cut him some slack Tea." Tristan says with a smile, "Did you ever think Joey would actually beat Mai in a duel? I mean, Joey, who would've thought?"
"I knew he'd do it. I'm really proud of you Joey. " Yugi responds.
"He did a pretty good job from what I saw." I state while putting my arms behind my back.
"Well you were dueling someone else for most of Joey's duel." Tristan states.
"And? Joey didn't need my help and I wanna try and make it to the finals too. Next time do you want me to duel when you're watching?" I ask with a smirk.
"Uh yes." Tea says causing me to roll y eyes. We then heard someone's stomach growl and I see Joey holding his hand to his stomach. 

"Uhh, all that duelin' made me hungry." Joey states, "Did any off you guys remember to bring any food with you?" 
"Sorry, Joe." The others replied as I took my backpack off my back, grabbed a breakfast bar and threw it to Joey.
"You can have that." I say with a smile while Joey catches it.
"Thanks Rosa! What were the rest of us thinking, coming here without food? How are we ever gonna get through the rest of the competition if the rest of us don't have anything to eat?" 
Yugi held his chin while stating, "That's a good question Joey. This dueling  really takes it out of you, and I haven't seen any burger stands or restaurants since we got here."
Tea then yelled on about something involving food and a metabolic meltdown until Tristan randomly says with a smile, "Hey, chill out, you guys. I got it covered." He then got the others excited as he pulls out some book and continues," Check it out! The great outdoor survival guide. "
"Can we eat it?" Joey asks.
'Did they seriously forget that I have food.' I mentally sigh. 
"Better than that, it lists all the plants, roots, berries, and grasses we can eat."
"Do I look like a squirrel you big doofus?" Joey yells while holding up his fist.  
"Uhh guys I have enough-" I got cut off by Joey sniffing and saying,
"I don't need your dumb book anyhow. " He then points in the direction opposite him, "I smell something cooking that-a-way. Ha! See ya!"  He then ran to whatever he was sniffing. 
"He's hallucinating." Tea states.
"He didn't even eat the breakfast bar I gave him nor listen to the fact that I had-" I was once again cut off as they all go to chase Joey.
'I might as well just eat all my food in front of them.' I think to myself. 

We were behind a rock looking at fish being cooked at a fire.
"Mmm, oh man! I just love barbecued fish." Joey says. 
"Smells good." Tristan comments.
"Yeah, and I bet it tastes even better." Joey says as he then laughs and jumps over the rock and runs to the fish.
"What makes you think those fish are yours to eat?" Tea asks. 
"Hey, trust me! We eat first and then ask questions later. Your stomachs will thank me." 
"Joey! Oh, he'd say anything to fill his belly."
"Some people have absolutely no self control." Tristan states while crossing his arms.
"Let me guess, you are gonna go join him while I just eat my own food?" I comment but it was too late as Tristan ran down too yelling for Joey to wait for him. 

Joey and Tristan grabbed a fish each and sat down while I offered some food to Yugi and Tea but they refuse making me give them a strange look. 
"Ahh, man, this looks awesome." Joey states while looking at the fish he was holding.
Tristan then touched the fish with his hand to only pull his hand after realising it was hot.

Suddenly, some guy with long dark hair and a scar on his cheek  came out of the ocean and spots Joey and Tristan with the fish. After seeing him, I noticed his dueling glove.
'It's Mako Tsunami, I should've known he'd be by the sea.'
"Enjoy yourselves, you fish thieves, this is your last meal!" He shouts, "How dare you steal my fish you thieving poachers? Has no one taught you manners?"
All of a sudden, a giant wave crashes down onto him and pulls him back into the ocean. We all looked confused and Joey asks if they could eat. The guy climbed back up and began yelling at them again while Joey was trying to clam him down as it was 'just a few fish'. 

"Aren't you Mako Tsunami, the top-ranked ocean duelist?" Yugi suddenly asks him which makes Mako look towards him and respond with, "And you might you be?" 
"Yeah, you're that freaky fish guy." Joey comments.
"I am not a freaky fish guy! I am Mako Tsunami, duelist extraordinaire of the seven seas."
"Not to burst your bubble but you have something on your head." I quietly say pointing at the little pink creature on his head which makes Joey and Tea laugh. Mako then throws the creature back in the sea making Joey and Tristan cry.
'Did they want to eat the poor thing?' I ask myself as I sigh.
"I wanted to eat that!" Joey then yells looking at the ocean while Tristan says, "You're demented." 

Mako then scoffed and turns to me, Yugi and Tea and asks, "Are you telling me that those two are here as duelists?"
"Just Joey, he's the one with the blonde hair." I state as Yugi then stands up and says with a smile, "I'm Yugi Muto. Sorry about your fish."
"You? You're Yugi Muto? The only duelist to ever defeat Seto Kaiba?" Mako asks shocked as he then laughs, "What a fine surprise! It will be my very great honour to face you in a duel."
"Same here, Mako."
"I must apologise. I've been ungracious." Mako then turns to Joey and Tristan, "If you are friends of Yugi Muto, please come sit down. Eat your fill. " Joey and Tristan then thank him and quickly sit down and begin eating the fish and Tea and Yugi also eat some.

"Where did you learn to cook like that?" Tea asks when they were all done with eating which made Mako once again laugh.
'He laughs to much' I think as Mako begins to explain,
"I have had to fend for myself since I was a tadpole, but it was my father who taught me how to fish and cook. "
"So, what brings you here to the competition?" Yugi asks Mako.
"I was raised on a fishing boat where I learned to love the sea, so if I win here, I would love a vessel of my own." Mako looks at the sea and faces us again, "Of course, I'll have to beat a few duelists first." Mako then laughs again.
"A boat? How great would that be, living life out on the big blue sea?" Tea then asks while smiling.
"Yes, the ocean is amazing, and we have shared a special bond since I was born. I can tell when the sea is happy by the way it sparkles... and when it is angry by the shifting tides." Mako then rubbed the back of his head while laughing awkwardly, "Excuse me. I did not mean to be so serious."
"Oh no, don't apologise. "
"You saved our hides. We'd be starving without you." Joey adds.
"Or you could've ate the food I have." I mumble quietly. 
"This has really been great. Thanks again. " Joey finishes off as he stand up.

"Leaving so soon, are you?" Mako asks.
"Nice meeting you, Mako." Tea says.
"I think he's gonna want to duel Yugi." I state. Then Mako throws his spear right next to Yugi's foot. 
"She's correct. I treated you to dinner. Perhaps you will honour me with a duel." Mako states.
"He's nuts!" Joey yells while the others seemed shocked.
"No, but I am an expert fisherman, and you have taken my bait." Mako then laughs once again. 
"What bait?" Tea asks confused.
"The fish, Tea, he used the fish as bait." I state while looking at Mako.
"I laid it out and lured you three in." Mako begins to explain.
"Actually, there's five of us, 3 of which are duelists." I comment while crossing my arms but Mako ignored me.
"But I never expected to catch Yugi Muto."
"Ah, forget this crazy chicken of the sea, Yugi." Joey says looking at Mako angrily.
"Can't we just give the guy back a few fish?" Tristan asks.
"Either way, I know Yugi will win." I say. 

"I reeled in another duelist a short time ago, but he was not a worthy opponent." Mako states while showing his star chips. He then points at Yugi and continues, "But a duel againts you, Yugi, would be a true test."
Then Yugi began talking with a deep voice and stated that he accepted Mako's challenge. 

A stage had emerged from the sea behind Mako and Yugi goes to the blue side while Mako goes off to the red. Mako's half of the field was the ocean while Yugio's side was land.
"The playing field is equally split into 2 halves." Mako explained, "One half is land. The other is sea. 
"And the stakes, Mako?" Yugi asks.
"I wager 2 star chips on this match."
"2 stars." 

"Duel!" Both Yugi and Mako yell. 

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