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"And what better way to demonstrate on the card I stole from you!"

"Now I'll show you  what your beast is capable of under my control. Blue-Eyes White Dragon, awaken!" Dad yells and then summons Blue-Eyes, who appears on the field.
"And cross the threshold into Toon World! Meet the new and improved Toon version!" The Blue-Eyes goes into the book and a tiny version of Seto's Blue-Eyes White Dragon appears on the field.
"No! You stripped him of his pride!" Seto yells at him.
"Please, I've transformed this legendary beast into his most supreme for! Also, I've more him look much more cuddly."

"Of all the things that Blue Eyes is, cuddly sure ain't one of them." Joey states.
"For once, I think that Kaiba would agree." Yugi adds while I nod.

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack the rude Kaiser!" Dad commands and the tiny dragon obeys.
"How embarrasing. A world Champion blasted by a caricature of his own more trusted beast. However did that happen?"
"Pegasus...you're underhanded dueljng attics have gone on long enough. It's time someone put a stop to your cheating ways."
'And, sorry, but that isn't going to be you.'
Kaiba puts the cards in his hand on top of one another and places them face down on the counter, confusing Dad.
"I may not know exactly how you're cheating, but somehow, you can see my cards. So, I'm abandoning my present hand. Perhaps if I can't see what I'm playing, you can't, either."
'Well you're not wrong. He uses his millennium eye to look at your mind to see what you have, so this will counteract that part.'

"A gutsy move." Yugi comments and I nod.
"Tell me, how do you think Pegasus is cheating?" Tristan asks.
"I don't know. Maybe he's got some hidden cameras set up in here." Joey suggests and I shake my head.
"You really think so?"
"Hey, I wouldn't put anythjng past that sleazy slime ball, and I'll tell you this, now that Kaiba's not even looking at his cards, he needs to trust more in the heart of the cards if he's gonna have any chance of rescuing your brother."
"First off, that 'sleazy slime ball' is still my Dad so try and be more considerate around me. Second, the idea of using cameras right now is very unlikely as it would be a little more obvious. And finally, I doubt you would understand the real way he's doing it. Both Bakura and Yugi may know but no one else." I reply, not looking away from the duel.
"Right sorry, Rosa." Joey apologises.

Seto draws a card from his deck and places it straight down, "I've put all my faith into this next card, so now let it be revealed!"
Suddenly, another Blue-Eyes appeared on the field.
"Yes! The Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Incredible! That's gotta be the luckiest draw I have ever seen." Mai exclaims.
"I think that draw was more about faith than luck." Tristan replies.
"You said it, Bud!" Joey yells as he holds his fist up, "Kaiba listened to his heart, and it paid him off big time!"

"Pegasus, your card prophesising has failed you, and now your Toon Drake will fail you as well!" Kaiba yells and both dragons than roar.

"Wow, I've never seen a monster go up against a wigged-out version of himself before." Joey comments.

"Oh, this is going to be so must fun!" Dad says while clapping, "A Blue-Eyes attacking his toon countetpart? There's no end to the zany antics that could ensue from this!"
"Wrong. This isn't one of your Hare-Brained after-school cartoons! Your Toon won't escape this!" Seto yells which makes Dad chuckle and put his hand to his head.

"Something's not right here." Mai comments.
"Yeah, Pegasus!"

"Blue-Eyes attack with all your might! White Lightning!" Blue-Eyes obeys and tried to attack his Toon counterpart, only to find that the Toon version bent out of the way, dodging the attack.
"No way!"

"What was that?" Joey asks.
"That Toon just stretched out of the way!" Mai yells.
"Just like in cartoons." I sigh.

"You should've watched more cartoons, Kaiba. The cuddliest creature, never, ever gets hit. In 3,013 episodes of Funny Bunny, Ruff Ruff McDogg never laid a paw on our cuddly hero. No, he would try and try, but never success. Such a clever little rabbit." Dad began to do his Tedtalk about Funny Bunny again but finally began to be serious, "And my creatures will employ the same cleverness every time you attack, because as long as my Toon World card is out, everything I throw will be just as hard to pin down as my Toon Dragon!"

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