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After the match, everyone was taken to eat food. Joey and Tristan were enjoying themselves.
"If it was an eating competition, you two would win." Téa remarks but they ignore her and start eating. Due to Dad being suspicious of Keith, he let me spend time with the contestants as long as either Croquet was there or when there was a match going on as I would be a back up for if Keith was caught cheating. Honestly, I didn't like the idea as that would mean that I may have to go up against Yugi or Joey but I wanted to spend more time with my friends so I agreed.

Croquet begins to speak, "On behalf of Mr Maximillion Pegasus, I'd like to congratulate the four finalists and welcome them to the final phase of the Dueling Kingdom Competition. I trust you all have my playoff entry cards." This confuses everyone.
"In our invitations, we all got two cards. One involving winning cash and the other allows you to challenge my Father." I mumble quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Miss Rosallind is correct. You all got these two cards: Glory of The King's Hand and Glory of The King's opposite hand." Croquet says as he shows the two cards, one of which was a plain card while the other had losts of gold and treasure on, "You must have one of these to participate in the final tournament. Those without them are disqualified."
"So that's what they're for." Yugi states.
"Each card provides unique prizes. The Glory of The King's Hand is needed to claim the $3-million cash prize. The Opposite-Hand card allows the winner to challenge Pegasus for the championship. To make tomorrow's tournament interesting, your host has added a special ingredient to your soup." We all look down at our soup to find an eyeball in the finalist's soup."
"Hey, mine's eyeball-free." Tristan states, swirling his spoon around in his soup.
"Hey, this is worse than having a fly in my soup!" Joey yells.
'I highly doubt that.'
"Open the eye and look inside it  if you will." Croquett says and the finalists do so.
"Each of you have been assigned a letter."
"What's this for?" Yugi asks. He had got A and Mai had got B while Joey got D and Keith got C.
"And now the island's computer will pair up the letters to determine the matchups."
"I wonder who's going to have to face who." Téa comments.
"And tomorrow's duels are as follows..." The screen then shows A and B first and then C and D.
"Who has C?!" Joey yells/asks.
"Me, runt." Keith responds.
"All right! It's pay back for trapping us in that cave!"
'Wait what?!'
"Once I crush you, you'll wish you're still in that cave."
'Let me guess, by cheating?'
"Looks like it's you and me, Mai." Yugi states.
"I'm looking forward to this duel." Mai responds, smiling.
'She'll most likely sort through her deck later and use her strongest cards.'
"Yeah, me too. And may tge best duelist win." 
"The duels are set. Yugi Moto versus Mai Valentine, and Bandit  Keith versus Joey Wheeler. Please enjoy the rest of these feast because three of you tomorrow, your long journey will end in failure." We all then begin to eat.

"Aww man, I'm stuffed like a Sumo wrestler." Joey states.
"That was good." Tristan adds.
"I can't believe you drank the entire eyeball soup." Téa comments.
"Don't forget mine too." I sigh. Yugi then walks up to Joey.
"Hey, there, Joey. We better go to bed. We'll need our rest if we're all gonna be in top shape for the tournament tomorrow."
"Yuge, what's the point? Since I don't have that card-" Yugi cuts off Joey by giving him the cash card, "Actually this Glory of The Kings is yours, Joey. Why don't you think of it as an early Birthday present?"
"But, Yuge, you need it."
"The rules never said that we needed both cards to compete, so we each only need one. If you give up now, who's going to save your sister? What kind of big brother would you be if you didn't even try to win the prize money?"
"And besides, Joey, think about the odds. If we're both in the tournament, it doubles our chances of winning the entire thing. So take it, okay?"
"You're a real pal, Yugi." Joey smiles as he takes the card off of Yugi."
"All this lovey-dovey stuff is making my skin crawl. So good night, boys and girls, and catch you tomorrow, Yugi." Mai says as she then leaves. We all then decide to head off to our rooms.
"Well good night, all of you." I say with a big smile before heading off to my room.

As soon as I enter my room, I shut my door and fall straight onto my bed. The tears began to form in my eyes and stream down my face. That was the third person I knew that Dad had stole their soul from and trap in the shadow realm. I couldn't stop myself from crying. Eventually, I managed to fall asleep.

I was sitting on the swings alone while all of the other kids at the orphanage were playing and having fun. The only two that wouldn't be playing with the rest had been adopted after the older sibling beat a big-shot businessman at chess.
"They're so lucky. I wish I could have been adopted." I say quietly while I look down at the ground.
"My, my aren't you quite the lonely one. All alone at the swings while all the others are playing together. May I ask why that is?" A almost cheerful/playful voice asks. I look up to see a man with medium-lengthed silver hair wearing a suit was standing in front of me. I go to speak but my face goes bright red and I look away.
"I see you're not one for talking. I'm Maximillion Pegasus, can you perhaps tell me what your name is?"
"R-Rosallind." I stutter while avoiding eye-contect. However, in the corner of my eye, I could see the strange man smiling.
"I overheard you talking about how you wanted to be adopted, so will you allow me to adopt you? I have been told a quite a bit about you from the staff here, so I would like to take you in and raise you as my daughter. Would you like to?" He asks with a kind smile and my eyes widen.
'Did he just ask if I wanted him to adopt me?!'
I nodded my head over and over and hugged him. Finally, I had a family of some sort.

A/N: I'm sorry if this seems unrealistic but I tried my best. Another 10 chapters or so to go.

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