Chapter 49

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"There popcorn is ready did you guys pick a movie?"

"Yeah, we decided on San Andreas. We have it ready to go. You know it WAS on Netflix but it's not on anymore." Richard says

"Oh yeah I know that's why I ordered the DVD on Amazon. As soon as I found out they took it off Netflix I bought it. It's too good to be takin out of my life." She laughs

Richard laughs as well, "Well I gotta day every movie that Dwayne Johnson is in is ALWAYS good."

"You got it." She says winking pointing her fingers at him.

She grabs two bowls but can't get the other two plus the little bowl of M&M's, "Hey babe can you get those bowls for me?"

"Oh here I'll get it." Richard gets up and puts the small bowl in one popcorn bowl and picks them both up bringing them over and sets them on the coffee table in front of them, then sits down along with Felicity. She sits between Richard and Ralph. Peter is at the end beside his new friend Richard.

She sighs happily, "This is the best night!" She says snuggling backwards into the soft couch.

Richard rests his arm on the back of the couch. Ralph narrows his eyes at him but tries not to let it get to him.


Halfway through the movie Felicity's eyes feel some how heavy even though it's the most intense part. Her eyes roll in the back of her head but she wakes up trying to keeping her eyes open. Her eyes slowly close again, she slowly falls to her left unknowingly.

She rests her head on Richard's buff shoulders and a sleepy moan escapes her lips. "Oh..looks like someone's tried." He chuckles, Ralph looks over at him and narrows his eyes but he doesn't see as he continues watching the movie.

He looks at Felicity and smiles, But then looks back at the movie.

She snuggles deeper into him and moves closer to him. Her belly rests against his.

Richard eyes widen and he looks at Ralph then her, then at Ralph again, "Should I....should I wake her up?"

"No it's fine..let her sleep...she probably just thinks your me." Ralph says

"O-Okay.." He rests his arm on her back.

"No, no. Your not allowed to do that.." Ralph says.

He quickly puts his arm back on the chair.

"No..." Felicity whispers, "Put your arm back around me babe..." She mumbles

"See told you she just thinks your me..."

"Can I? Put my arm around her? My arm is hurtin keepin it like this."

Ralph sighs, "Fine.."

"Oh thank you.." He puts his arm down making him put his arm around her.

His eyes grow heavy and he slips in and out of consciousness.

His eyes slowly shut and his head rests on Felicity's head. She moans sleepily and snuggles into the crook of his neck.


A loud part in the movie booms in the speakers startling the both of them. Richard's head lifts up quickly, Felicity jumps and puts her hand on his chest. "What happen!?! Is anyone hurt!" She notices it was just the movie and sighs, she then notices that she has her hands and body all over Richard. She scrambles back, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't I didn't mean...I thought you were.."

Richard chuckles, "It's okay. Did you have a nice nap?"

"Yeah...still tired though..."

"Well you better snuggle your baby's daddy instead of me." He laughs

She laughs, "Yeah, that would be more right.."

She looks over at Ralph and he's sleeping, "Awwwwe he's so cute when he's sleeping! And he's vulnerable.."She smirks,

"Hey if you want to do that do it in your room. No body want to see that." He chuckles.

She laughs, "Yeah sorry, hormones are crazy."

She moves over and picks up Ralph's arm, and puts it around the back of her neck. She snuggles into him and kisses him on the cheek. He moans sleepily and opens his eyes a little seeing her he smiles and wraps his arm protectively around her. She moans happily and closes her eyes.


Felicity wakes up to bring swayed like someone is carrying her. She moans sleepily, "hmmm babe?" Her eyes slowly open. Looking up at the handsome man.

Ralph lays her on her bed... "Sleep with me..." She doesn't let go of his shirt.

"Who said I wasn't?" He smiles

She smiles and kisses him on the lips, "Lets sleep..."

"Okay first, I can't sleep in jeans..."

"Oh same.." She rips of her pants and shirt revealing her lace bra and underwear and goes under the sheets.

Ralph un does his pants and takes them off showing his black spandex boxers. Then he takes off his shirt.

"Mmm damn baby... you turn me on." He smirks

"You do to baby...let me take you in." He throws off the sheet revealing her half naked body. "Mmm..he starts at her shoulders and drags his hands down her body, and he stops at her belly and rubs his hands in circles around the baby.

He brings his face down to her belly and kisses her bump. He kisses more around and trails kisses up her body. She runs her fingers through his hair, a quiet moan escapes her lips.

He reaches to her lips and freezes teasing her. She pulls his face down onto her lips and kisses him passionately.

He moves down to her neck and trails kisses she grabs a fist full of his hair and lets go. "What can't tonight babe...they'll hear us. They'll hear me I'm a hormonal pregnant women you know how loud I get..."

"Mmm but you're just so sexy..." He says then kisses her neck shortly after he attacks her neck with kisses and she giggles. He presses his body against hers and he puts his hand on her belly. "Okay some other night then." He says then snuggles his face into her neck and breathes in her sweet flowery sent.

Lightning FrostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora