Chapter 9

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I woke up tied to a chair. "What the hell?"

"Oh hey evil Felicity is awake!" Cisco clapped his hand together. "You can untie her."

"What?" Barry asked

"We have to have her untied for this, she can't have any metal touch her and besides she can't attack us because of the serum we gave her was the syringe."

"A needle? I think I'm gonna be sick."

"What was in it?" Barry asked

"Now that's something I can't tell you."

"Okay find I'll untie her." Barry said as he walked over to untie me and Ralph held me just in case I were to run.

Cisco put the piece of tech on my forehead. I tried to move my head, but Ralph kept me put.

"Get off of me!" I yelled, but then Cisco activated the head piece. A searing pain shot through my head, I screamed in pain.

"The serum must be reacting with the 3000!" Cisco said as he panicked.

"Get it off of her!" Ralph yelled worryingly at Cisco,

"I can't, if anyone touches it they will get electrocuted."

Ralph's P.O.V

"What?" I yelled in frustration, Felicity scream in pain again as she struggled to get out of my arms.

"It hurts!" Felicity yelled, her skin was burning up.

"Her skin is burning up." I said worryingly as she was struggling in my arms, soon she stopped, her head lolled back onto my chest as her body went limp. "Felicity? Felicity!" I yelled as  I let go of her, then put my arms under hers and shook her limp body.

She woke up with a start, "W-What happened?" She asked looking at everyone including me. I let go of her, holding her up right so she wouldn't fall.

"You don't remember anything?" Barry asked as he stepped closer to her, I felt jealousy in the pit of my stomach.

"I only remember Controller hypnotizing me telling me to kill you, then your team, then I blacked out." Felicity explained.

"Controller? That's the worst name." Cisco said, then scuffed "I can do way better then that. Like hypnotist or something." Ralph lifted his eyebrow.  "Don't blame me I'm a little rusty." Felicity laughed as she looked over to me, time seemed to stop. Her laugh was the cutest laugh I've ever heard. She had a beautiful smile, one that you would never forget.

"Ralph, Ralph!" She yelled out waving a hand in front over me, I got snap away from my day dream.

"Hm? Yeah, what?"

"I said are you okay?" She repeated

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I said as I sucked in some air and put my hand behind my neck while I smiled. "What about you?"

"Yeah I'm fine," she responded with a cute smile.

Felicity's P.O.V

We went back to the cortex so Caitlin can do some tests to see if nothing was wrong with me.

She finished with looking at my eyes with a flashlight, "You same to be fine, nothing's changed."

"No side effects?" Barry asked

"Nope." Caitlin said as she got up off the chair she was on.

I got out the bed and walked over to the computer desk. "What happened to me?" I asked

"You went completely terminator mode on us." Cisco said as he took a bite of his red liquorice.

"And you almost killed me." Barry said, my eyes grew wide.

"What?" I said shocked how can someone want to kill Barry? He's like the sweetest thing..

"Yeah, if it weren't for Cisco and Ralph, I would be dead."

I put my hand to my mouth, "Oh my gosh Barry, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, you weren't yourself."

"I'm not myself anymore," I said sadly "I have powers, and most of the things I touch freeze, how the heck am I supposed to do my job if I just hand customers a glass of solid ice? it's like I'm like Elsa here!" I heard Cisco chuckle at my last statement.

"That's why I was going to bring you here, to train you so you know how to control your powers." Barry said "All of us are going to help you." I started to smile

"Really? You would do that,"

"Sure we would, we have to keep you safe from villains so what better way to keep you safe, then training you, right?" Barry said

"Wow thanks guys!" I beamed out

"Yeah we would love to help you," Ralph said with a smile.

"I have to start on your suit!" Cisco blurred out, A suit? This just gets better and better! Cico started to walk away but stopped in his tracks, "Oh! There is something I have to download on your phone," Cisco said pointing at me. He walked over to me and stopped in front of me.

"aaaaand what is that?" I asked

"It's something you can use when your in trouble." Cisco said as he plugged the same iPhone charger as mine wire in the computer. "Now, can I see your phone." I hesitantly gave him my phone.

I took it and plugged it in then started to type on the computer. It didn't take long, "Their, all done." He unplugged my phone and showed me how to use it. "When your in trouble just tap this 'panic button'" he said as he pointed to the button. "This will alarm us and show you your location, then we can come help you. Okay? " He added as he smiled.

"Okay," I smiled back at him. "I gotta say, that's a genius idea."

"Why thank you," he smiled than walked away but while he walked away he pointing at me with his thumb mouthing 'I like her' to Barry who was standing beside me. Barry just smiled shaking his head slowly.

Lightning FrostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora