Chapter 6

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Ralph didn't listen, he was determined on saving me. Ralph dodged a couple but got hit to the floor hard by the third one.

"No.." I choked out. His radioactive fire from his hand was burning my throat I tried to pull him off but failed. I couldn't do anything as my body was hang in the air and with Radio fire's heat rating off him I couldn't use my cold powers, I'm in some deep shit. I tried to coke out with all my strength. " Stop... Let. My. Friends. Go. A-and you. Can. Take. Me.." My head started to grow foggy, I could hear my heart in my ears as it started to pump slowly.

"Now that's what I wanted to hear!" He said excitingly. He grabbed a needle out and injected it into my neck, I quickly felt numb, he let go of my neck dropping me to the floor, I gasped for air, hearing less of the sound of my heart beat in my ears.

Not to long after he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and walk out of the Cortex, then out S.T.A.R Labs. My head was spinning furiously, I closed my eyes seeing if it would help but ended up passing out.

I woke up slowly taking the view around me. It was dark with only one light hanging above me. I was tied to a chair as well as my arms leaving my wrist to hang over the arms of the chair.

I looked down at my arm as I saw a needle stuck into it. I felt weak from the liquid, I could even move my hand. I heard footsteps approaching me, I tiredly looked up as a guy face appeared in the light. He stood in front of me wearing a black leather suit, one that looked like the Black Panther's and had a black face mask on that didn't show the details in his face.

"What are you the Black panther?" I slowly joked as my eyes felt heavy making me want to sleep.

He grabbed my face squeezing it, " You think your funny?" He said as he clinched his jaw.

"I seem to think so." I mumbled out not knowing what I even said as my head was foggy from the drug that was being put into my system. He let go of my face angrily making my head whip to the side.

"A friend of mine told me you had powers," he said as he smirked, "told me I could use you as a weapon,"  I laughed,

"Me, a weapon?" I scuffed "Your in for one treat."

"Of course you don't think your a weapon, you don't even know how to use you powers yet." He said as he pushed a piece of hair out of my face.

I pulled my face away making me and the whole chair move. "Don't touch me!" I said angrily though my teeth. He just chuckled "Let me go!" I yelled at him.

"Not just yet." He grinned "Did you know your very, very valuable to us villains?"

"No, why is that?" I asked with a pissed off frown.

"Because you're the first to have two different powers naturally." What?

Back at star labs,

I looked around to see the Cortex a big mess; pieces of wall were missing as it was punched in, couple of little fires were on the desk. Caitlin put out the fires with the fire distinguisher.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked, I heard yeahs from everyone.

"We need to find him," I said as I got up in a rush making my head more dizzy, I fumbled but caught myself.

"Yes we need to find him but you need to rest. That drug isn't doing you so good, so you have to slow down and take a break because with you moving around is going to make it spread faster. We want it to spread slower so the antidote can work, " Caitlin said as she put her comforting hands on my shoulder guiding me to the nearest bed. "And besides Ralph and Cisco got this, no need to worry," she said she tapped my chest as I slowly laid down, as soon as my head hit the pillow I passed out.

Caitlin rushed back to the computers "Okay we can find him by locating the radioactive waves given off." Caitlin said as she started typing on the computer in front of her. "Got it! He's located on Pembers Pass at an abandon meat packing factory." Ralph and Cisco nodded then Cisco made a breach and they both jumped into it.

"I said let me go!" I yelled as I struggled trying to get my hands to the knot that was behind me.

"No not yet, I have friend I would like you to meet," Radio fire said as he stepped aside. A tall buff man stood in font of me "Felicity meet Controller,"

I scuffed, "HA! Controller? What a lame name for a intimidating guy, well you were until I knew your name was Controller!" I laughed out, he gave me angry glare. Yikes! Never mind! I shouldn't have said that, I should've kept my mouth shut!

"He lives up to his name, he can control people with one look and give them information to victims that didn't know they had powers or what there capable of," Radio Fire said and I gulped.

Radio fire grabbed a tool from a nearby metal table. I gulped again, "W-What's that for?" I asked as fear rushed over me.

"It's to keep those eyes of yours open for this exciting moment," Radio fire said as he was putting it on. I squirmed but Controller held me down,

I screamed struggling to squirm out of his grip, but it was not use "Let me go!" I yelled again,

Controller cracked his neck and looked me straight in the eye, dizziness took over, my struggles got weaker,

The last thing I heard was "I want you to kill The Flash, then his team. If anyone gets in your way, kill them." then I blacked out.

Cisco and Ralph arrived at the abandoned meat packing factory,

When me and Cisco got there, I heard Felicity scream, it echo through the metal walls I sped up my pace.

"Cisco, Ralph, he shouldn't be to far," I heard Caitlin say through the inner coms. "Just take a right, go straight, then right again and the first door to your left."

"Okay, we got it." We both said through the ear piece.

We followed Caitlin's directions. Arriving at the door we both looked at each other giving a sign to say we were ready. I quickly opened the door, "Let her go!" I yelled,

Radio Fire just chuckled "Your a little to late for that," He said as he grinned.

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