Chapter 8

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Evil Felicity's P.O.V

I sped over to Barry and put my foot on his chest as he tried to get up, which caused him to slam on the hard pavement,"You really shouldn't get distracted," I sneered

Barry hit me with his uninjured leg in the back of my leg that was holding me balance. I fell hard to the pavement hitting my head, making me slightly dizzy.

"And you shouldn't either," he shot back with a grin.

I growled at him, I shot up and punched him in the face making his lip bleed. I went in for another shot but he caught my fist in his hand. I gave him sneering look as I shot ice at his chest with my free hand. I touched his chest making every inch of his body freeze with a light blue colour. He stumbled back into a dumpster with a shocked look. He started to vibrate to gain warmth.

While he was vibrating I grabbed his inner coms and threw them on the ground crushing them with my heel of my black thigh high boots. "You won't need those." I said with a crooked smile.

When he was free from my freezing, I shot him with more ice getting him stuck to the dumpster that was behind him buying me more time. I started to run in circles, when I gained enough energy I threw an icy electricity ball at him, hitting him square in the chest. As the electricity ball made contact, the ice shattered knocking the wind out of him making him wheeze. He fell to the ground with his back up against the dumpster.

"You're not as tough as you think Barry," I said as I looked that his face with a sneer; he had a tired look, his skin was now back to normal. There were cuts all over him from the ice shattering and my hard punch I gave him. He was completely out of breath.

He didn't speak, he just sat there looking at me with those tired green hazel eyes. A part of me wanted to help him but was quickly covered by anger.

"Are you going to fight or are you going to just sit there?" I asked angrily, "well then, I my as well just kill you and bring your limp body to my boss." I said as I grinned crouching down to be face to face with him "He'll be exhilarated to see you dead as well as every villain in Central City." I whispered as I made a big icicle ready to finish what every meta-human wanted... to kill The Flash. "Then your little friends are next." I said as I gave him a crooked smile. I raised the icicle

I was just about to stab Barry when I felt two hands on my shoulders. I got threw to the side making me roll on the ground.

I stopped myself from rolling by propping myself up on my arms. I felt a warm liquid run out of one side of my noise I touch my noise and looked down at my fingertips, I saw blood.

I looked up slowly with anger in my eyes, standing in front of me was Ralph, he grew his arms to his normal length as he was far away from me. Pissed off, I quickly stood up and sped over ready to straggle him.

"Cisco NOW!" He yelled. I got caught off guard as a breach was made underneath me and fell into it.

All round me was blue for a quick second,

"What the-" I said as I looked around to see that I was in what looked like a sound proof room. I looked in front of me to see Ralph and Barry on the other side of the big window.

"How is your chest Barry? Do you feel the pain over and over again?" I said as I smiled evilly. He didn't answer, "I'm pretty sure I broke one of your ribs. I can tell your in pain" I laughed menacingly then quickly snapped my head over to Ralph. "And how long where you on the ground 'Rookie'?" I sneered knowing that he wasn't always in the Flash team. "I bet it took you a long time to get out of that pickle- Oh I mean not."

"Not long, Doesn't look like you did a good job getting rid of Cisco because Cisco came back and helped." He shot back with a grin.

"Oh I see that you still don't know how to manage things on your own," I shot back at Ralph, his face dropped the happy grin was gone as it was replaced with a disappointed but angry look. Barry's face went hot with anger, that just made me smile more.

Barry crossed his arms and shifted his feet."We're not hear to listen to you, we're here to make you snap out of it." Barry said with a serous face.

"Aw why? Its so much fun torturing you and your team." I said with a pouty face. Ralph frowned angrily, "Oh your cute when your angry." I said pointing in Ralph's direction.

"Stop trying to distract us," Ralph said

"Well it's working isn't?" I said as a grinned. "Am I to attractive to your liking." I said as I winked at him. His cheeks went a slight pink. I giggled at the sight "are..are you blush-" I got cut off by Cisco.

"This is the reverse hypnosis 3000!" He yelled out as he came around the corner with some sort of head piece in his hand.

"Ha! Have fun trying to get that on me, you have to open the doors for that." I cooed out as I smirked.

"Do we?" Barry asked as he smirked. A machine caught me of guard as a power dampener was put on my ankle.

"What the- how dare you!" I hissed trough my teeth.

"Not so smart are yah?" Cisco said as he laughed, I narrowed my eyes that him and he stopped smiling.

Barry unlocked the door and I charged at Barry as fast as I could but Ralph stretch out his arms and grabbed my arms but I kicked him in the 'goodies' before he can put my arms behind my back. Ralph dropped to the floor making Barry trip over him.

Cisco caught me off guard as a fist punched me in the nose making my nose bleed even more then it was. I dropped to the floor catching myself with my hands than I held my nose. "Aw you son of a bitch!" I snarled, I quickly got up and ran full speed for him.

Barry and Ralph untangled themselves "Barry grab the serum," Cisco yelled as he pointed to the floor were the serum lays in a syringe.

I punched Cisco in the stomach making him stumble. I was about to knock him out when Ralph stretched his arms out and grabbed me putting my arms behind me back and locked them there.

Barry quickly sped over and grabbed the serum off of the floor and sped over to were Ralph had me locked in place as I straggled against Ralph.

"Let me go!" I hollered

"We knew you might do that," Cisco said brushing himself off. I struggled to get out of Ralph's strong grip, but failed.

I growled, "let. Me. Go."

Ralph squinted his eyes and clicked his tongue, "Now I can't do that,"

Barry was walking over with the serum in hand, I tensed in Ralph's arms at the sight of the syringe. "W-What is that?" I gulped in horror, I always hated needles.

"Don't like needles now do we?" Ralph asked.

I started to struggle even harder when Barry got closer, I stomped on Ralph's foot and made a run for it, but before I could make it out the door Ralph stretched his arm and quickly locked it around my chest and Barry sped over and inserted the needle in my neck. I felt the cold liquid spread in my veins, making me feel light headed. My vision became blurry as I fell limp, Ralph swept my off my feet with ease and carried me bridal style my head rested on his hard chest. My vision became a nothingness.

Lightning FrostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora