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(2 years later)

"So where you want me to put this?" Kyrie asked me as he held the last box of my belongings. I'm moving into my own apartment...finally.  After dad sent me and Kyrie to Atlanta I was staying with him and his friends...that i'm now included in.

We're called 'Young Threats'. Almost everybody in Atlanta knows about us, and a lot of the older people fear us.

I had no intentions of joining a gang. I just said I wanted to stay with him and Kyrie because I thought things would be good and we'd be a family. But I was wrong.

I ain't really have a choice. Dad practically threatened me and said that if I don't join he was gonna...hurt me. I tried bonding with him but we just don't get along at all. Mom was right about him. He's all about money.

On the other hand, Kyrie and I became best friends. Reminds me of the bond I had with Mike, except Kyrie is my real blood brother. He apologized for kidnapping me that night and said he had no other choice. And after seeing how my dad behaves..I completely understand.

The girl they used to trick me actually works for my dad also. Yeah, a lil ass girl.

He also said he was so excited the night he found me and how he wanted to just squeeze me tight and never let go. He's been looking for me ever since he found out of my existence. But around dad, he has an image to keep up. Shit, he has an image to keep up regardless whenever he's not around us.

"Put it in my room." I said while I started to rearrange the boxes that was put it in the living room.

Somehow my dad tricked the authorities into thinking I was dead so that Tariq or nobody else would come looking for me.

Tariq is far off of my mind.

I know he didn't kill Mike. Kyrie told me it wasn't him and how it was actually Justin. That's why he was so quiet that day my dad said that Tariq killed him. Because he knew it wasn't true. He just didn't wanna lie to me. Still though, I can't be with Tariq after knowing his brother killed mine. I lived with him at the time and that would've been so hard for me to do every day. Acting like everything is all good knowing his brother killed my best friend. The only nigga I could tell all my problems too. The only nigga that was really there for me during the hard times and during that bullying bullshit.

My love for Tariq will never go away though. I love him so much. But I can't be with him. At least not now. It's a little hectic.

"New crib we finna turn up tonight ayyyyy." Q said while doing a lil dance.

"You can stop ya dance party cuz we got business to take care of tonight AYYYYE." Kyrie told him mimicking his dance. Damn he ain't have to kill his vibe like that though.

He smacked his lips. "Always killing the vibe." He mumbled while punching the air.

Q is just a nickname. His real name is Quantavius, but don't nobody feel like saying that all the time so we just call him Q. He's the funny, energetic guy of the group, but when he's mad it's like he's a whole different person. He deals and robs. He also makes occasional hits when necessary. So does Kyrie and Trig.

"Watch where you swinging nigga." Honor aka Red said. She's very blunt, kind of has an attitude problem, mean as fuck, and also got hands like a nigga when she fights. At first me and her was beefing. She didn't like how I was just accepted into the gang with open arms. It took a couple of months for her to warm up to me, but after she seen I wasn't up to no fuck shit we became cool as hell. I tell this bitch anything that's on my mind.

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