Chapter 16: Challenged Ahead!

Start from the beginning

She smirked, "Why don't you try and find out!" she mocked jumping off the edge shocking everyone for a seemingly suicidal move.

Todoroki sprinted to the edge to see her falling form only to be met with her landing on the second pillar in front of him with a flame dying from her fists, way ahead of him.

He growled a bit and clicked his tongue, "What type of girl is she?"

He shook the thought off and kept going after her.


 Shadow sighed with a sweatdrop, "She is never gonna get tired of pulling that move, will she?"

"She did that often?" Aizawa asked stoically.

"Yup. Apparently, she feels free when she takes a dive from somewhere up high. At least that's her explanation for it."

"What kind of things has she done during Paris..." he wondered out loud as he watched her run.


She landed on the other side of the gorge and could hear the screaming and cheers of others as she took the chance to look back and up ahead she could see the other students starting to arrive.

"They're rather slow, aren't they Peppermint?" she teased a bit as she saw Todoroki on the second to last pillar, "You're second in that part too. Blasty is third," she teased as she saw Katsuki in the air a bit away, "See ya," she saluted and ran ahead up the stairs.

Todoroki growled a bit and ran after her and heard the explosions a lot closer as he looked up and saw Katsuki now.

'He's finally getting fired up,' he thought and kept running, 'It took him long enough.'

"You two suck!" Katsuki growled loudly at the two and launched at them. 


Ayame was in the stands and was smiling, "You go (Y/n)!" she cheered.

The excited chirping/meowing was heard from her bag as she tried peeking her head out.

"Ah, Lateefah, keep your head in or you'll get kicked out," she warned panicked trying to reason with the cat creature.

"The girl in first place and the dude behind her are so far ahead," a man said somewhere in front of her.

"Her quirk seems pretty efficient but has been only using it to help her to the next platform. She seems way more athletic than everyone else, and it looks like the obstacles are manageable for her."

"Manageable? You mean easy. Did you see how she went on that rope like she was skateboarding on a pipe!?"

"Yeah. It looked like she's done it before. Hell, she jumped off into a deep pit and flew up without being scared!"

"The young boy, his quirk is really powerful," someone else said, "But it's his natural athletic talent and keen judgment keeping him ahead."

"Well, I'm not surprised. Don't you know who his father is? The Flame Hero, Endeavour!"

Lateefah looked at the screen and seemed focused on Todoroki's eyes. She let out a worried chirp/meow seeming to see something through his seriousness.

"Wait, for real!?"

"That guy is second only to All Might himself!"

"Everyone will be fighting to have him as a sidekick for sure!" 


"Wooh! You go girl!" Alya cheered.

"Alright! Stick it to them!" Alix cheered.

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