Chapter 12: Familiar Face

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Light shone through the window and dimly lit the room.

Some of the light shone over (y/n)'s eyelid causing her face to bitter and sat up with a small tired groan. She rubbed her eye to get the sleep out and then yawned.

"Who," Lateefah chirped tiredly as she ruffled her feathers on her lap.

"Oh, sorry, Lateefah," she apologized as she smoothed down some feathers on her head, "Did I wake you up?"

She let out a yawn and shook her head while settling down any other feathers.

She chuckled and scratched behind her ears, "You're rather smart for being a baby griffon."

Lateefah narrowed her eyes at her.

"I didn't mean any offense," she laughed sensing her anger, "Animals tend to have a hard time understanding humans so I was just being blunt."

She nodded and stretched her back and wings.

She looked up at the clock in her room.

"Just past early morning..." she said with a smile, "For once, I'm happy to wake up. Even if it is in a hospital bed."

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

"Come in," she called as Lateefah got on her lap.

"Morning honey," Ayame greeted as she peeked her head in. She was wearing different clothing that consisted of a black shirt with long sleeves that reached above her elbows, a dark green shirt with some vine decor, and skin colored flats.

"What're you doing here so early in the morning?"

"She's here to take you back home," the doctor said as he stepped in.

"Already? I thought it was gonna be later."

"Well, you need to eat and prepare for school, right?" Ayame asked.

"I guess you're right."

The doctor pushed in a wheelchair and set it right by her bed, "For the time being, you will use this wheelchair and Yagi-san will be your caretaker."

She nodded, "Got it."

"Before and after school please make sure to see Recovery Girl so she can help you heal faster and avoid walking as much as possible. If you keep at it every day as I ask you, your recovery could finish before this week is even over."

"Wow, that's fast recovery," Ayame said.

"Well, she only had her lower back damaged. She seems to have strong resistance for her back not to break or be permanently damaged."

She nodded, "Well, we better hurry then to take her to school on time."

He nodded.

Lateefah let out an excited chirp as she flapped her wings.

"Can we hurry then?" (y/n) asked and then smiled while scratching her head, "Iida will have a hissy fit for being late." 

The two adults lightly chuckled at her happy tone to go back to school.


Luka sat on a bench in the park by himself as he adjusted his guitar strings.

He smiled as he remembers (y/n)'s smile when he came to visit her.

"Luka!" a female voice called.

He looked up and both Marinette and Alya were walking up to him.

He narrowed his eyes and had a frown as he remembers back to what (y/n) had told him.

"Welcome back," Alya said as the two stopped in front of him.

Elemental Miraculous Hero (My hero AcademiaXMiraculous!Elementist!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें