Chapter 9: Fight to Survive

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All Might tossed aside his jacket.

"Holy crap, it's All Might," a villain said.

"I've never seen the guy in person before," another said.

"I didn't expect him to be so huge," another said.

"Hmph. This is no time to talk, you idiots! If we strike now, we can kill--"

All Might struck him down and began striking down villains so fast to where his form could not be seen.

The villains were in the air and All Might was now with Aizawa and (y/n).

(Y/n) looked at the blonde with relief in her eye and she began tearing up a bit.

All Might stood up as he held Aizawa in his arms. His face was badly hurt and his elbow was still showing the muscle underneath.

"I'm sorry, Aizawa," he told the man, "I should've been here."

"Thank god..." (y/n) said as a tear slid down her cheek from joy and relief. The small let down of her guard caused some of her exhaustion to hit her and she fell to one knee in a heap causing her to gasp a bit.

All Might turned to her and was horrified at her state, now that he could properly see her. His anger for what was happening grew as he saw his little sister's daughter figure so injured and he could tell that she was trying to protect her teacher seeing her so close to his side and transformed.

All Might turned his attention to the four students who were still behind Nomu and Shigaraki, now that Brandon had shifted back to himself and was standing in some shallow water with the other three. His eye glew blue and suddenly, on his left were all four students and on his right was Aizawa and (y/n).

From such a sudden and fast speed the hand on Shigaraki's face was knocked off.

All Might stopped with four students under one arm and a student and teacher under the other.

The four students were surprised they got there so fast.

Aizawa was laid on the floor and (y/n) was sitting on the ground.

"What the heck?" Mineta asked.

"Everybody, back to the entrance," All Might ordered, "And take Aizawa with you," he stood up, "He doesn't have much time."

"Yes, sir!"



Izuku looked at All Might, "You saved us, All Might."

"Don't underestimate that thing," (y/n) warned.

"(N/n), you also saved us..."

"Here, let me pick you up," Brandon said.

(Y/n) hesitantly let him put an arm under her legs and another behind her back. He stood up and held her in a bridal style as the left side of her face rested on his shoulder.

She looked at All Might and then her ears twitched looking over to Shigaraki over Brandon's shoulder.

"No. No. No no," Shigaraki said as he covered his face, "It wasn't supposed to go this way," he walked over to the hand that covered his face, "He's still fast, Father," he picked up the hand, "Somehow, he managed to hit me," he put the hand back to his face and seemed to had calmed down a bit, "Of course the government hero relies on violence. I wasn't prepared. I couldn't even see him when he moved. But he's not as fast as I thought he would be. Not as fast as he used to be. I guess it's true after all, All Might really is getting weaker."

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