Chapter 8: Last Resort

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(A/n: Before you all start with those questions of why I took so long here's my reason as to why this chapter took so long..... IT WAS HARD AND EXCRUCIATING! I HAD TO WATCH MY FAVORITE TEACHER SCREAMING IN PAIN, BLEEDING, AND BEING TORTURED!!!! I HAVE A WEAK HEART TO THESE THINGS WITH FAVORITE CHARACTERS!! Watching this episode to get an idea of how it was gonna go was hard, considering it was the night of New Year's so I stayed up late for it -_-, and having to watch it again for this chapter and have to write every. single. DETAIL. It hurts! It still does! So be happy with what you get because my heart actually hurts while I typed this chapter! Not joking my chest actually hurts while typing all of this chapter.)

At the shipwreck zone, all the villains were stuck together with Mineta's balls keeping them like that.

Brandon flapped his wings and placed down Izuku on his feet.

"Heh," Mineta chuckled as he was dangling by his collar as Tsuyu jumped off Brandon, who was still a Griffon, "I had a good poop this morning which makes my balls stickier. They're not going anywhere."

"Didn't need to know that," Brandon said annoyed as he landed on his feet while shifting back to himself.

"Can't believe we managed to get them all at once," Izuku began mumbling, "It took everything I had to keep my composure. It's such a gamble. What if they had..." he kept on mumbling.

"You're creeping me out," Tsuyu said, "Stop it. Please."

"Yeah..." Brandon added with a creeped out sweatdrop.

Izuku looked at the two, shutting up, and the two turned to him.

"Instead of second-guessing what we did, shouldn't we think about our next move."

"Yeah. You're totally right. Ah!" he flinched in pain. He looked down at his hand and saw his thumb and middle finger were broken and he was lightly twitching in pain.

Brandon's eye narrowed in worriment as he lowered his hand and seeing them.

"Are you okay?" Tsuyu asked.

"Yeah, fine," Izuku quickly said and pulled down the black fabric on his elbow and wrapped it around his hand to hide it.

"So he doesn't want to let us see his injury," Loki said.

Brandon narrowed his eyes in concern.

"Don't worry about me. We should make getting help our top priority. If we follow the shore to the exit, then we can avoid the central plaza entirely."

"Good idea," Tsuyu said, "That way, we don't run into the villains Mr. Aizawa's facing off with there."

'Yeah, but...' Izuku thought, 'Can he handle them on his own? How long can he hold out against a group like that?'

"If he doesn't get back up, then he's just going to overexert himself."

Brandon nodded, "Pro or not, everyone has a limit. He's not going to last forever. He'll get defeated since he's trying to keep us safe unless he gets some help until the pros arrive."

"Wait, don't tell me you're both suggesting..." Mineta said scared, "Are you trying to get us killed or something!?"


"Who said we were gonna jump into the fight?" Brandon asked with a deadpanned look.

"Maybe we could find a way to take a few of those guys out and lighten his load," Izuku said. 

'We'd had our first real fight in water, but that only gave us false hope. It made us think our powers could actually work against the enemy. We'd soon learn how wrong we were.'

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