Chapter Seventy- Fifteen Years

Start from the beginning


"Speak now offspring" Wesker hissed and I punched his arm while Ruby made a face.

"Well after practice she said she was going to see Max because she misses our big brother" she told us and Wesker hissed a curse.

"I am going to get her even if I have to pull her by the hair" he told me and I nodded firmly.

Ruby stared at me.

"Mom!" She yelled.

"You both know your father has a nasty temper" I told her truthfully because for about twenty times I though he killed Max.

The biggest of them all was when the boy had sex in our bedroom and his office. I was just a few minutes from ordering his casket.

Ruby pulled me from my thought.

"Mom he's in collage but he's a total asshole, I don't know what she sees in him." Ruby told me and I stared at my daughter. It seemed like it was only yesterday I held her in my arms.

"I was once a teen, I know how good it feels to date a older guy especially one that is a badass but I agree with your father completely. Sapphire will only get hurt in that kind of relationship" I told Ruby who took a heavy drink from her glass of water.

"I've seen him with other girls but she never believes me" Ruby stated and I hugged her.

"Sweetie she will realize eventually, go get dress we are stopping by your your uncle's house" I told her and she nodded.

I closed the refrigerator door, my eyes on my hands for a small moment. Raising kids was entirely fun until you realize they are becoming adults.

Max left home only three years ago to move in with his pregnant girlfriend. The four year old boy I fell in love with was now a man and a father.

The doorbell sounded and it didnt take more than four minutes for me to get the door. The man embraced me immediately, my eyes gaining moisture.

"Mother how have you been?" He asked as he pulled back to stare down at me with a smile.

"Well otherwise from your sister's trying to kill me, not too bad" I told him and he chuckled.

"Sapphire again huh?" He asked and I crossed my arms.

"This time her father went to get her himself. By the hair" I told him and he cringed slightly.

"Yikes, that won't end well" he stated and in the same breath there a scream.

"Maxwell!" And I stepped aside as Max lowered so he could catch his sister in perfection. He did, Ruby bouncing like a three year old.

"Are you coming to Uncle Chris's function too?" She asked.

"Yes, I haven't really seen much of my family now have I?" He stated as he place Ruby to stand. The front door opened, Wesker entering after a clearly irritated Sapphire.

Max glared between the two, his eyes falling on Ruby.

"Hey how about we look at how fast your niece is growing" he stated as he lead the teen out of the room.

I gazed at Sapphire, she was the complete opposite of her younger twin. Sapphire had a boyish nature and just like her father she was obsessed with black.

Her obsession with motorcycle was for me to blame however.

"Daddy I am sorry" she stated and Wesker pulled a chair out for her.

"Sit" and that was all she got.

She looked at me and my face was enough to have her sit down.

"Last week I saw that guy drop you off and what did I say?" Wesker asked as he removed his shades.

She kept silent.

"Answer me child" he hissed and while his method worked sometimes he could be harsh.

"He's too old for me" the blonde told her father and Wesker only gazed.

"Sapphire we are your parents, we only want the best for you" I told her and she crossed her arms.

"I will be sixteen soon" she justified but Wesker pull out a chair, that chair being placed before her as he sat on it backwards.

"You are my daughter and I will not sit and watch a some collage kid talk about you like a fuck toy..." Wesker stated and my eyes widen.


"No Claire, I will tell her like it is" Wesker stated as he gazed at Sapphire.

"That boy wants nothing but to have fun with you and by fun I mean fill you with his semen. Nothing else" he told her and she arched a brow.

"He is in love with me dad and I..." she became silent when Wesker raised a gloved finger.

Don't worry sweetie, daddy used that trick to get mommy to shut up too.

"Everyone believes otherwise but in your teen years you are most vulnerable because when something goes wrong you make your parents your worst enemy" I told her, Wesker holding his gaze.

"If that man loves you he would not wait for you to introduce him to your parents. He will not tell you, he will show you. He will pull the door for you without you asking and he will give his jacket without you asking or shivering. He would be man enough to know that he wants to be in your life and not only inside you" Wesker told her and she froze.

I froze also. Wesker was a gentleman?

"I saw your mother for the first time when she was only a teen" he stated and I turned to gaze down at my husband.

"You did?" I asked.

"Yes Claire, can I lecture my daughter now?" He asked and I gestured for him to continue.

"I was a man and I knew it would be quite easy to have Claire then if I wanted to because a teen's only goal is to be a rebel. When someone truly loves you they don't think about themselves. They think about you and how to love you correctly" Wesker told Sapphire.

"Mom, Dad, he wont ever speak to me again" she confessd and I stared.

"Why honey?" I asked.

"I turned him down tonight, he wanted to have sex and I wasn't in the mood" she added and my husband made a strange sound.

"That would explain why the damn boy was so neverous when I showed up" Wesker hissed.


"Go on"

"I wouldn't mind if you castrate him" she told him and the blond arched a brow.

"Before or after death?" He asked and Sapphire chuckled as I smack him on the back of his head.

"Go get ready sweetie, remember we are going to see my brother" I told her and she headed for the stairs immediately.

Wesker stood, my legs around his waist as I kissed him intensely. The moment I broke the kiss I stared down at him.

"You are a true gentleman" I told him because while I was just made aware of him seeing me the very first time as a teen he never took that to his advantage.

In fact, Wesker was rather hesitant to take me as a woman.

"I felt a bit guilty that our relationship spoiled the relationship you and Chris held at some point" he told me and I kissed him once again, his lips going to the crook of my neck.

"Aw Mom and dad, not another one" and we gazed to see a pale face Ruby.

Wesker kissed my forehead as I chuckled lightly. His eyes then flew open.

"Wait did Sapphire just say he wanted to have sex but she was not in the mood?" Wesker as he tossed me over the island before heading upstairs.

Terrible ending I know ;(

Vote and comment please ;)

There lies he end of the resident evil series and for those who made the journey with me thank you.

For all those Votes and comments, thank you. Ending this book was one of the hardest thing to do because we lost an important character just one chapter ago.

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