Chapter Fifty- I Want You

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Claire's POV

Many of us left what was supposed to be my wedding ceremony in a bitter manner. Couples left in anger while good friends are not speaking to each other.

Jill and I were still friends, I could not say the same for Chris and I. He did voice his opinion about me being with Wesker.

Stupid choice it was indeed because Wesker was a huge asshole. Now I did not know what to think of his relationship with Ada and all the things he swore not to do.

Something inside me tore as images of Ada and the blond crossed my mind.

The moment Wesker pulled up in the drive way I gazed at him bitterly, he kept his gaze straight, glove hands tightening around the steering wheel.

He shifted his nose slightly as he held his stare. Nothing said.

Well at least not yet.

"What is it Claire? I tried talking to you for the entire journey and now that I'm silent, this" he hissed, my eyes tearing him apart.

What did he really expect after all I heard?

"How the fuck am I supposed to feel with what I heard?" I hissed and Wesker rolled his eyes the moment I stepped out of the car.

"And by behaving like a child we will solve this" he hissed and maybe he forgot how much younger I was in comparison to him.

I slammed the door. He asked for childish so I will give him so many aspects of childish.

"I told you none of it is true, Ada is nothing more that a excellent woman to work with" he told me and if he thought I was a fucking dummy he was definitely wrong.

She ran around with Leon during my marriage, what would stop her from doing the same with Wesker?

"She was the only female you saw, it would be quite easy for you to lie to me that I'm the first woman you even kissed!" I yelled and that's when he pinned my wrist.

I gasped, my bare back against cold glass as blue eyes stared down at me. My breath hitched in my throat as I could feel his masculinity quite clearly.

"I did not lie about falling in love with you nor anything else. When I say something believe me because there is not a damn woman in this world who can lead me to cheating on the psycho I got on my knees for"  he told me as he leaned in, his lips inches above my own.

Why must he always know what to do? Why must he be my weakness?

I arched my back just to reach him but he tugged my wrist harshly, my body in its original position. I groaned, Wesker teasing my lips with his tongue.

"If you were so insecure about Ada why not come to me about it?" He asked as his free hand found its way around my throat.

His thumb toyed with my lower lips. I licked his finger.

"If you fucked her would you even tell me?" I asked and Wesker's face twitched.

It was as though I asked if he would ever digest a dozen cock roaches.

"Why the hell would I approach that demonized woman? You may be used to a man like Kennedy who thinks with his cock that seems to stand the moment he sees the female sex. I think with this Claire" he told me as he took his hand from my throat to point two fingers at my head.

"I can not see myself without you" he confessed, me pulling my lower lip between my teeth.

"I love you" I told him, Wesker's blue eyes boring me.

His hand returned to my throat, Wesker's tongue finding it's way in my mouth. I locked him in with my legs, my hands clawing his back roughly.

His lips moved to my ear and I laughed the moment he placed his tongue in my ear. Seeing my reaction he continued.

"Quit it!" I begged and he continued.

He bit my ear lobe, his breath heavy on my neck. My eyes turned as a cold shiver went down my spine.

"I can't believe I was close to ending your life dye a foolish vendetta" he breath as he looked at me with lidded eyes.

"I forgive you, I wanted to kill you too" I confessed and he partially showed his teeth the moment he smiled.

"I want you" I told him and he kissed and sucked my neck.

"You do realize we are outdoors and I play rough?" he asked and I bit my lower lip.

It mattered not where we are, if I wanted him I really wanted him.

"I want you here and now Albert" I begged, Wesker's warm mouth covering two nipples at once. I moaned as his hold on my wrist grew tighter and the pressure of his mouth against my breast grew harder.

Fabric tore, my body now bare to him partially. The only cover came from my under garment.

"Please be advised that there are cameras all around our home" he told me and the word our touched something inside me.

"Our?" I asked or squeaked rather, my eyes moist. Wesker stared down at me with lidded blue eyes.

"Please refrain from facial saturation" he begged and I did exactly what he asked me not to do.

He kissed me harshly as he finally freed my wrist, my shoes falling to the floor. He gripped my waist firmly, warm lips on my stomach.

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