Chapter Twenty Four- Man To Man Talk

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Albert's Pov

I stared at the man who collapsed onto the sofa before me, his fingers thangle in his hair as he stared at absolutely nothing. He had issued a confession, one he could not expect forgiveness for.

This was a situation a man like me could not react to. 

I will never truly understand the romance Claire and Leon shared and I will never know the truth behind the relationship they had but based on the look in their eyes these two still cared for each other. 

Maybe love but these two still had each other's best interest at heart. A bitter feeling grew within me.

"She's carrying your child?" he asked softly as he stared up at me, my face firm as I held his gaze.

"Yes" was my flat reply, my arms crossed as Leon's face resembled the man that now realized he had asked a stupid question.

Indeed you have Mr. Kennedy.

"She still snores in her sleep and puts her leg over your pelvis?" Leon asked as he gave a sad smirk, I smiled slightly also.

Indeed, this man still have some amount of love for this woman.

"Never have I seen a woman blink so often and adore children so greatly" I stated and Leon looked at me oddly, it was then I realized how big of a smile I had.

Leon kept his eyes on me.

"You are truly in love with her" he stated as he relaxed in his chair, a hand under his chin.

"And you are still in love with her" I told him, Leon cocking a brow the moment the question was issued. He seemed a bit surprised that I saw right through his words.

"I am no threat to your marriage Wesker, Claire and I are long over and while I still care about her I won't hurt you the same way you hurt me when you gave what I couldn't give" he told me, my arms falling at my side stiffly.

Why? How is it he found forgiveness so easy?

"Falling in love was never my intention" I confessed Leon rocking his knees slightly before he spoke.

"What was your true intention, if you care to share" Leon asked and I removed my shades.

"To hurt was never my intention to have sex with her. I wasn't even supposed to kiss her" I confessed, my eyes roaming the room for a small amount of time before falling on Leon.

"I'm glad you did, she was never happy in our relationship and I just could not be the man she wanted me to be" he stated firmly as he stood, Leon ensuring his gun was still on his hip.

"You never did really try" if I must speak my mind Mr Kennedy.

"And you got to her for a reason" was his flat reply, my eyes falling to the floor. It mattered not what he said because at the end of the day I did steal his wife.

"Well I should head home, Helena is probably worried sick now" he stated.

Ah, so the female was his mate? That would explain her jealous behavior.

Why did I not see this earlier ?

"I'll take you" I stated as I gestured towards our exit, Leon nodding firmly.


My hold on the steering was firm, my face equally stuff and I drove in silence. Leon said nothing also, me killing the radio as the songs I played only made the situation awkward.

"How did it happen? What led to the child's demise?" I asked, Leon looking in my direction immediately.

"The accident?" He asked and I nodded, Leon staring wild as he went right into flash back.

Leon told left in a bitter state, the house left on her control even though he knew she would not stay there. The most important thing was taken from her.

Her son.

"Leon you can't do this!" Claire yelled as she ran after Leon, by then the boy was already in the car, Leon locking all doors.

"I saw what needed to be seen Claire! You love that man and while hell bet the crap out of you will always love him!" Leon yelled as he gestured for her to remain fixed.

"You are the reason we met Leon so don't you dare!" Claire yelled as she ran forward, her hand gripping one of the lock firmly.

"Every thing here is yours, I'm taking him with me!" Leon hissed, Claire banging the car's glass aggressively.

"I don't want the damn house or your fucking car Leon! I want my baby here with me!" She yelled, Leon forcing her away from the car door immediately.

"Isn't that want the court granted?" Leon asked and Claire cried a nasty river.

"Leon you don't understand" she carried on, Leon's face showing that he was quite annoyed and as a result he shoved her away harshly.

Claire, with wide eyes fell on her arms, Leon staring down at her equally surprised.

"Please, don't understand" she begged and he kneeled, his hand locking onto her red hair.

His eyes were moist, the tears unable to fall due to his firm composer.

"I hope this world treats you kindly...I'll never forget you " he told her as he stood, Leon entering the vehicle and taking off slowly, Claire lying in the mud in tears.

The moment he was out of that region Leon allowed the tears to fall. He hadn't made it for before metal met metal.

A life lost.

I was silent and stiff, it was as though I was feeling her pain, some form of connection I held with claire generating such a feeling.

"She'll never forgive me" was all he said as I pulled up in his driveway, Leon looking in my direction.

"And in the end she'll build a rather high wall. A wall I may take years climbing if she chooses to continue with me" I confessed.

"I'm truly sorry and if I could go back to that night I would. Even if I couldn't change taking the child with me I would ensure I died instead" Leon stated, a woman wearing night garments approaching us slowly.

What do you all think of that Leon Wesker moment? Aren't you all worried about our little red head at home?

Will she ever recover from her sons horrific death?

Vote and Comment please ;)

A Sinner's Heaven ; An Angel's HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora