Chapter Forty Five- Can We Talk?

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Albert's POV

You know that one moment when you thought you were doing something nice only to find out that it is not quite that way. Hence you are doing more harm than good.

This was one of these moments and I was the culprit.

Claire broke down in tears the moment that box was open, my small gift confusing me greatly. Did I just remove a tombstone or were those the tears of a woman who appreciated a small gesture?

If she spoke to me it would really lessen my confusion. 

She bit on her fingers, the box still within her clutch as she cried harder. I wanted to reach out and hold her but in a situation like this one I had to be very careful.

I stared at her because the more her tears came the closer I was to joining her.Maybe this was a bad idea as my wife seems to be pained by my foolish gesture.

 If so someone had to go down with me.

"Leon and I thought it would be nice" I confessed and Claire's tears came harder. I ran my fingers through my hair, what kind of demon had I bring from the underworld?

Maybe if I stopped talking that would be a very wise decision. 

"We didn't mean to hurt you..." I added swiftly and that's when she crawled into me, my arms tightening around her immediately. Damn it, did I not promise to keep my mouth shut?

I knew we should have spoken to Jill before approaching this, in such a way we would have gained the female perspective on this situation. Jill knew her best friend more than anyone and being a female gave her the advantage.

Why not consult her? Well Valentine had a mouth that tend to ruin surprises.

 Claire's wet face fell on my shoulders gently, small hands clutching my back. I kissed her neck gently.

"Claire I'm really sorry, I consulted Leon because I..." She lift her head before I could finish, a finger on my lips.

"Would you stop apologizing?" She asked with moist eyes. I stared up at her in confusion, Claire's lips curling into a smile.

She was not upset?

"You did nothing wrong. Recordings of me and my son, the photos, the delivery tape. Its the sweetest gesture ever. I love the man you have become Wesker and Today means the world to me" I was told as she dried her eyes.

So my gesture was appreciated? I relaxed the moment my brain registered those words.

"You like it? Even if I am the reason you can no longer hold him?" I asked and Claire gave me a odd stare.

"Wesker you didn't kill my little boy" she stated firmly and I looked away from her.

"I was the whole reason your marriage ended and the reason Leon gained custody for that child" I told her firmly, Claire shaking her head at me.

"No, don't you ever say it's your fault. I blamed myself once but what if I had the child, something unfortunate could have occurred just the same. All I can do is honour my son's memories and move on. No one can undo the tragic death he suffered, all we can do is allow his memory to live with us" she stated and pulled Claire down with me.

We were now facing the sky, Claire's head on my arms. I closed my eyes, my eyes feeling the sudden moisture.

When I was around my wife whenever I cried she never made me feel weak. I felt like the strongest man ever, even when I am in tears before my wife.

"I will never forgive myself for what I did to you" I told her firmly and Claire rubbed my gently stomach.

"That's behind us. Now that we are here, how about I get to hear what made my husband so dark?" Claire asked me and I gave a nasty laugh.

"You can thank a man by the name of Spencer for that" I stated bitterly, Claire still rubbing my stomach.

"You have mentioned him before but that's not what I want to know. What did they do to you? I want to know everything you have been through" She asked and opened my eyes, moisture present but not falling.

"They stole my entire childhood and Alex suffered as well, while I fought back she never did, she took everything they gave" I stated as this was a bitter a topic but it was a topic I wanted to have with Claire.

"Took everything...whatever could you mean?" I was asked and that's when the tears made their way down the side of my face. 

"There were nights I had to watch grown men have their way with a twelve year old girl..." I paused, maybe talking about this was a bad idea. I tilt Claire's face towards me only to kiss her roughly.

She pulled away when she realized what I was doing.

"No, talk to me Albert. They raped her?" Claire choked and I stared down at her.

"You never wondered why my sister preferred a tailored suit as opposed to a tight dress and heels? She will never allow a man to get even ten feet close to her." I stated firmly and Claire covered her mouth.

"Those bastards!" Claire swore as no woman liked hearing bout another woman being taken advantage of. 

"Five men at once Claire and I was forced to watch that because it was there way of punishing me as well" I missed as my fist balled.

"At the time I couldn't even protect her and when I could she had already grown to hate me" I added, Claire's fingers wiping my eyes. 

"She had it worse than I did because I was only shaped into a killer she was completely damaged. Hunk seems to have feelings for her but he would do better trying to capture a star" I told Claire, Claire cocking a brow.

"Is hunk the guy with the gas mask?" She asked and I nodded.

"Very much so" I told her, Claire rubbing against me like a tamed cat.

"If you knew the ways I pictured killing you and your brother you would not have slept with me" I confessed and Claire kissed my neck. 

"You are not a monster Albert, you were raised to think you are. What's with you and Chris anyhow?" Claire asked and my face twitched.


"He soil my every plan" I told her truthfully and Claire bit down on her lower lip.

"And that's the only reason?" I was asked and I stared at her full in the eyes.

"I envy him greatly" Was my truthful reply, blue eyes going wide the moment those words were issued.

Vote and comment please and I really do hope you like that chapter. The number of chapters I have left are limited as I can firmly say the book is approaching it's end. I enjoyed this resident evil journey with you guys and all those little votes and comments meant so much to me. 

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