Chapter Fifteen- Breaking The News

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Claire's POV

I woke up with nothing but a pillow next to me. I bit my lower lip, my body now straight as I found out that the entire room was empty.

It didn't surprise me one bit because Wesker was a man that avoided his bed. His work was more important than his physical well being.

My stomach felt irregular, all possible oudours filling my nostrils. Since lately every possible smell known to man affected me greatly.

I felt nauseous, my fingers meeting my lips as I headed for the restroom swiftly. I emptied my stomach, my stomach feeling quite unusual.

Yep, this has to be Wesker's child. The darn child was just as difficult.

"Oh god!" I yelled, leather touching my face slightly as my hair was maneuvered. My eyes met blue, another rush of liquid filling my mouth.

"Take it easy" he stated firmly, another aggressive hurl being made.

"You knew?" I asked and he helped me straighten, a cup of water being handed to me.

"No...Ada cracked under simple conversation" he told me, his face showing that he wish I said something the moment I found out.

Ada...of course she would snitch. Wesker could intimidate anybody.

"That bitch" I bissed, Wesker cocking a brow.

"So it was intentional that I not know I presume?" he asked and my eyes widened.

"No...I...I just found out yesterday" I stated, Wesker pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Is that so?" He asked and based on his tone of voice it was evident that he didn't believe me.

"I should have told you as soon as I knew but I...I wanted to wait" I stated softly.

"Wait on what Claire?" He asked.

"Until it was the right time to tell you" I continued on a soft note. He simply blink.

"I have not one idea as to how this is possible...I'm aren't...that child should be tearing you apart...the fact that it is able to hide it's scent tells me that its not human" he told me and I blink in fright.

All I could picture was a hideous beast inside me. One that looked so much like the T or G virus.

Something that would destroy my internal organs.

Wesker touched my stomach, a stomach that I didn't even know I had because last night it was much smaller than this.

What the hell was happening to me?

Why is it my pregnancy was moving so rapidly? Then again that was a stupid question.

"We need to see Alex as soon as possible" he mumbled as he glared down at me. I glared up at him with wide eyes.


I took a deep breath as Alex and Albert stared at the monitor. I had been lying here for fifteen minutes and within those fifteen minutes they talked between themselves.

"The fetus is a girl" Alex stated as she finally gazed in my direction, Wesker's eyes glued to the screen.

"A girl" I stated as I sat up with moist eyes. I was having a baby girl.

Would she be blond or a red head? Would she be pale or tan?

I cried, sure I was happy that I was bringing a child into this world but in times like this all I could do was remember my son. A son who most likely have forgotten what his mother looked like.

Junior...Junior was having a little sister.

"She is healthy and so is your pregnancy Claire. Congratulations" she continued as she handed me a photo. I could see her, I could see the little baby growiny my womb.

"So there is no complications with this pregnancy?" I asked as I bit my lower lip slightly.

"None whatsoever, your pregnancy will last for three months as opposed to nine...child birth should be regular" she informed me, my eye falling on Wesker who had no said a word to me ever since we got here.

Alex followed my gaze as she gathered her equipments. She straighten the moment all was gathered.

"I'll leave you two to discuss the good news" she stated firmly as she made her exit.

Good news she say.

"Albert?" I asked and he turned to face me.

"Yes" was all he said, my hand on my stomach as I sat up. Three months was quite a small amount of time to prepare for a child.

"Are you upset?" I asked and he cocked a brow.

"Would you not be aware if I was?" he asked as he sat on the edge of my bed, his eyes fixed on the floor.

"I'm sorry..." I stated and Wesker removed his shades.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry for Claire, I took our compatibility for granted. I didn't see the need for protection because..." he trailed off, his fingers gripping his hair.

"What exactly are you saying..." I hissed, Wesker now standing the moment I stood.

"Are you saying that this baby is the last thing you wanted? That if you knew you would stop it?" I asked and he grit his teeth.

"Claire, I beg of you, do not put words in my mouth" he warned.

"I don't need to put words in your mouth because that's exactly what you are saying Wesker!" I yelled, Wesker gripping my arm roughly.

"Well maybe if you kept your legs closed and I remained focus we wouldn't be in this mess now would we?" He yelled and I blink.

Kept my legs closed? He took me from my damn apartment and erased my damn memories.

This was all his fault.

He was the only man that spent each and almost everyday around me. Sex would come to play eventually.

"You came onto me!" I yelled and he clicked his tongue.

"I saw you everyday! You were the first woman I had sex with!" he yelled and I crossed my arms as stared up at him with watery eyes.

"Then let us rectify that" I hissed as he stared at the ring in his gloved hand. I walked out on him.

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