Chapter Sixteen- Troubled Paradise

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Claire's Pov

Albert's POV

When she didn't fall she look up to meet dark shades, a glove hand gripping her small hand as her legs swung. Stunned it seem because me saving her was probably the last thing she expected.

Reaching another hand towards her I pulled her up, Claire staring at me in astonishment. I simply maintained her gaze.

I placed my arm under the back of her kees. Claire would be a dead woman if I was never swift enough.

Taking her up bridal style I levitated to level Chris was standing on. He and I had a stare down,  Chris's gun raised at me.

"Take the girl and leave" I demanded bitterly as I placed his sister down, Claire ambling towards Chris who held his bleeding stomach. Something felt heavy within me and for some strange reason I knew what it was.

I was never going to see this woman again.

"There is a air craft at the highest level of this building, that should facilitate the carriage of four individuals" I stated as he threw something to Chris who caught it.

Sure he would fail to trust my words but the choice was his. If they had other jeans of escape that was quite lovely.

Chris then supported his sister with as they ambled on and that's when I spoke.

"Chris..." I called and Chris faced me, Ckaire holding onto her brother with bloody hands.

"The next time we meet...and we will meet again, your soul is mine" I threatened, Ada landing next to me on two fingers and strong legs.

"Don't country on it" Chris replied equally dark and my eyes fell on Claire Redfeild. Blue eyes held my stare for the last time until  Chris began moving again, taking her with him.

I remained fixed, Ada who stood next to me following my gaze.

"You are in love with her aren't you?" She asked and I kept my eyes on Claire's disappearing figure.

"It matters not...We may never cross paths again" I stated as I finally had the strength within me to look away.

There was a knock on my door, me standing immediately. Had she returned?

Has she gotten over my foolish words ? Was she ready to come back after three days?

The moment I opened the door I received a punch to the lip and a kick in the groin. I fell to my knees, my eyes falling on a angry Jill and a pissed off Christopher.

"You may enter" I stated sarcastically as I grit my teeth at the pressure building between my legs. Chris was about to grab me once again, Jill holding onto her caveman.

Taming the beast it seems.

"Now that that's over I will enter", my eyes fell on Ada, a slight smirk on her lips as she pulled a rather silent Claire inside.

"You got my sister pregnant! Wasn't marrying her enough?" Chris hissed as Ada helped me to stand, a chair being pulled close to me.

"Drama time" Ada mumbled.

"Is this your sick way of torturing us?" Chris yelled.

Torture? Why would I waste valuable time on nonsense?

I sat solemnly.

"Well forgive me Christopher if your sister has something good between her legs" I hissed, Claire's eyes going wide as her cheeks redden.

Chris froze while Jill choked, Ada patting her back a bit to roughly. Jill gave a distasteful glare.

I rubbed the balls Jill damaged, my eyes going amber due to the intense pain. Claire kept her gaze on everything but me.

Something within me grew bitter. One word would be enough.

"Funny, because what I heard was that you want nothing to do with the child" Chris told me and I blink as I angled myself better to gain full access to the pained area.

I said no such thing...why would I not take responsibility for something I helped to create?

"Claire put those words I my mouth...I take responsibility for the child in her womb so don't you dare Christopher" I hissed and Claire glared at me.

"I put words in your mouth?" She scoffed.

"Yes, I said nothing of the sort" I replied.

"Then what exactly were you saying?" she asked and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

I would like to have a cigarette but with Claire's current condition I could not.

"You want a show and I can't give you that Claire" I hissed and everyone in the room eyed each other.

Claire wanted an argument, a ugly argument in front the occupants of this room and I would not allow it. Why argue over something I never said?

"Then explain to me without creating a scene as to why you would not want this baby" she suggested as she stared at me.

I kept silent, my eyes boring into watery blue eyes. Again I just could not give her this argument.

"No, I won't. Relationships are meant to be private Claire, when you are truly ready to speak we'll speak" I stated as I stood.

"This vessel meets land in three days" I continued firmly as I made my way outdoors so I could clear my head.

I'm so sorry for the short chapter guys and I do hope I didn't disappoint :(

Vote and comment please ;)

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