Chapter Four- Wanted

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Albert Wesker👆👆

Albert's POV

The reason for me waking up so late was unknown at this moment. I was never the one to stay in the bed too long and for the most part I avoided it.

Abundant rest was not required as it related to my body and for the most part my body could take any pressure given to it. If this was all true then why the hell am I up this late?

The clock read 6:43 am in golden yellow digits and I groaned, the woman next to me sleeping like a rock. Her body movements were light and her every curve was highlighted.

There lied the reason. The reason I was not awake by 4am had blue eyes, paled skin and red hair.

Claire slept on her stomach, her hair resting on her back perfectly as she snored up a storm. She must have been awfully tired to sleep with such aggression.

If I was never wise enough as a man, I could have swore I just had sex with a lion. The most savage of all lions.

Physical attraction was something I refrained from and to be quite honest I wasn't even aware that I held the ability to love a woman until I met Claire. She was the piece of me I never knew I had.

Why I loved her?

Claire had a rare personality, one that indicated that she was different from all the women I came across. Once or twice she lead me to forming a genuine smile, something many failed to do.

She knew my every weakness yet I didn't feel vulnerable with her knowing. While she was aware of the things I had done she still chose to stay.

If her love for me was not a definition of beauty then I didn't know what beauty was.

I touched her hair, Claire still unmoving as nothing covered her lower body but a sheet. I smiled as I lowered my head to give her back a gently kiss.

She was soft and smooth in absolutely every area.

Swinging my legs over each other I got out of bed, Claire moving slightly but still not able to rise from slumber. Removing my watch I headed for the shower.


After taking a lengthy shower and preparing breakfast I took a seat, a newspaper in my hand as the television played on low volume. While I eagerly craved Claire's company I wasn't the type of person to deprive someone of  well needed rest.

I sipped my coffee, nothing on my plate but raw bacon as human food was now my enemy. All my meals were that of meat which was party boilt.

If heat was not applied I couldn't have it.

"...if anyone sees or knows anything about the where abouts of former umbrella associate Albert Weaker, Ada Wong and Alex Wesker please contact the nearest police station or the numbers listed below..." The moment I heard those words sounding from the television the newspaper I held fell.

My eyes darted in the direction of the newspaper and how fortunate for me I was staring at my very own face in black and white with the word WANTED printed above it.

Blinking I glanced at the TV to see those very same pictures. The only difference was the ones in the paper weren't coloured.

While I expected this, this was far too soon.

"Albert?" The moment I heard Claire voice of concern. I remained silent as all I could do was stare, my finger resting on my shades gently.

"Wesker! You're scaring the shit out of me!" Claire yelled, her voice laced with panick.

I gazed up at her blankly . She was covered in a sheet, her hair pointing in all directions.

"Be quiet woman" Was my simple reply, Claire's jaw falling so low it could almost sweep the floor.

"Don't sush me you asshole!" She yelled, my teeth creating fiction as I turned the volume of the TV up.

"My apologies. Be quiet" I stated firmly, Claire about to issue a nasty reply when the television chose to interup.

"...Wesker is also wanted for the murder of former umbrella personel..."

Claire stood there and to be quite honest her facial expression went beyond shock. I was expecting her to pass out soon.

"Wanted...what the fuck does that mean?" she asked as her eyes fell to the newspaper at my feet.

"I'm sure you are quite familiar with the word wanted Miss Redfeild...or should I say Mrs Wesker?" I asked as I gazed up at her.

The paper crumbled between her slender fingers. Okay that's far to delicate.

She crushed the paper.

"Now is not the time to be a romantic asshole Wesker! Your face is on the fucking paper! Everyone on this ship now knows who you are!!" She yelled as I stood.

"You forgot to mention the fact that Ada and Alex are there. We are on the news also" I stated bitterly, Claire running her finger through her hair.

"We are screwed...people on this ship will turn you in and the fact that I'm now engaged to you I'm fucked. What are we going to do!" Claire panicked, me staring down at her.

She looked mighty cute.

"Wesker are you listening to what I'm saying?!" She asked.

"Well the fact that I'm not dead yes" and that's when she punched me in the stomach.

"What does this mean for us..."

"It means you need to pull yourself together and trust me. I won't allow anything to happen to you" I told her as her back connected with the wall gently.

"The entire army is searching for us and who else" Claire panicked, my hands resting on each respectful side of her face. The tears were in her eyes but they didn't fall.

"Claire. Nothing will ever happen to you...I promise you that" I told her firmly, my lips claiming her trembling ones.

"Shower and get dressed, soon and awfully soon there will be armed men  running in on us" I warned before spanking Claire the moment she gave me the opportunity to.

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See you guys in the next chapter😄😄😄

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