Chapter Twenty Two- Wild Chase

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Albert's POV

Shifting from gear four to five I kept my eyes fixed on the road before me as opposed to the woman sobbing next to me. Sure it may be seen as cold to the third person but honestly I didn't care.

Her sobbing stung because it was tears that highlighted how much someone one truly cared for someone. Someone they once shared a bed and friendship with.

She still cared for her ex husband, even in the state of engagement she still cared.

"Where are we going?" She asked on a broken voice, my eyes still fixed on the road.

I grit my teeth and said nothing.

"Albert where are we going?" She asked again.

"I'm taking you home Claire" was my flat reply, Claire about to speak when I chose to cut her statement short.

"Not another facility Claire, my actual home, a place I haven't been for years" I stated in a stiff tone as I manouvered my car in the very same way.

"You had..." But before she could finish a bullet connected with the mirror on the side of my car, the bullet failing as my entire car was bullet proof.

Shit! I should have known better.

I sucked my teeth, Claire removing her gun immediately as I stepped on the accelerator pedal.

"Somebody is after us" she stated softly.

"I'm aware" I hissed, fire lacing my tongue. She kept silent, nothing strong enough to pull my eyes from the road.

A silver car pull up next to us immediately, the glass going down to reveal a familiar face. I almost crashed because while the previous surprise was slightly expected this one was not.

"Wesker, go ahead, I'll cover you...they were expecting your escape" Leon yelled, me taking my glass down immediately.

"Or it was quite likely you set us up" I truthfully hissed, Claire desperately trying to see over my shoulder. Odd, I thought she would have identified the voice by now.

"Our vendetta is not that Great and in fact the vendetta I held is long gone" Leon hissed.

Odd. I did not just steal a friend, I stole his wife and the mother of his first child.

"I have a better idea, we change vehicles and I end this problem once and for all" I suggested and he nod, both of us speed so that enough time would be generated.

The moment we were close enough doors flew open, vehicle still in motion. Claire seemed stunned but sadly there was too little time to explain.

The moment we were in we stared at each other, me uttering the first word.

"The car will give directions being that the finger print on it is one the machine isn't quite familiar with..." I stated before being the glass up, Leon taking the detour ahead.

I continued on this road, hoping the vehicles behind would continue on my trail. As far as those fools were concerned I was the only one in that vehicle.

If they saw a switch, it would be quite wise to chase this car as opposed to the previous one. If they were even wiser they could chase both cars, my car having the least chasers.

I cleared my throat, this car not as fast as my vehicle but fast enough to keep those assholes behind me.

I dialed Ada, Ada answering on the first ring.

"Wesker" she practically yelled, my nose twitching.

"Wong" I greeted firmly.

"Are you being followed Wesker because just now there are two black cars on my ass" the Asian woman yelled.

"Odd, I was about to ask the very same thing. Three vehicles are in pursuit as far as I'm aware" I stated, my hands gripping the steering in a a quick lock.

"Then I can assume that Alex and Jack are facing the very same thing" Ada informed me, shots sounding in her direction.

"Indeed. Best of luck, I must go" I stated as I floored my gas pedal, my teeth grit as the cars behind me continued.

Taking my glass down I aimed and fired swiftly, my eyes back on the road immediately after. The vehicles weren't affected and I can now assume a good dodge was given.

"Let's see how strong your feet and hands are" I hissed as I purposely turned on a damaged road, the vehicles oblivious to what I did.

I smirked...

May the fun begin.

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Now the big question is what is Claire and Leon's journey like?

Let's see in the next chapter...

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