Chapter Thirty Three- Arrival and Discovery

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Claire's Pov

I never knew what it was like to fake a smile until this moment. Never in my life had it crossed my mind that a woman was able to fake happiness after tears. I had no I idea what women living in a home driven by domestic violence felt like until today.

This feeling was bitter.

The things that I felt just now was enough to tell me that the situation was not easy. Pain was there and when you looked at each and every scar on your body you remembered exactly what happened. That was enough to bruise your soul.

I bit back tears. I could not cry, not here and not now.

"Morning Jill, hi brother" I greeted cheerfully and Chris who was seated on the front seat choking on his smoothie, Jill rolling her eyes t her lover. He coughed endlessly.

"So I'll say it before he says it, Claire that dress is too short and way too tight" Jill sated and I simply rolled my eyes.

Why did I not expect this?

Christopher, his eyes I would always be a child.

"Hey this is my last day as a free woman and I'm going to enjoy it" I stated firmly and Jill smiled at me via the mirror. I returned the gesture.

"Well it does not matter how old you are Claire I will always be your older brother and while red suits you well that dress is way too short and every inch of your figure is being highlighted perfectly" he told me and I crossed my arms like a robbed toddler.

Why the hell is everything so extreme with this brother of mine?

"Damn Chris, what am I twelve?" I asked and Chris leaned forward to better reach in the bag beneath his feet. I cocked a brow as my head followed his every movement. 

He removed a huge jeans followed by a huge T shirt and when I saw the shoes, oh dear, the words that came to mind were not so pleasant.

I knit my brows once again.

"What the hell is that?" I asked and Chris turned to look at me as though I was speaking quality bullshit.

"Clothes Claire" he replied and I blinked rapidly, Jill choking on her very own laughter. Chris issued a vicious glare.

"This is what you will be wearing to our get together Claire" I was told and I simply choked on air.

"My brother has lost is damn mind. I'm not wearing that" I pointed out strictly and Jill's laughter increased.

"Oh my God Chris" she stated as she glanced at me through the mirror and I'm pretty sure she saw that I didn't find this funny at all. Not even slightly amusing.

"I just think these will be a bit more appropriate for such an event Claire" He told me firmly and I looked my brother in a blank fashion because either I bumped my fucking head while entering this car or my brother was going to lose his fucking head on the way out.

"I'm not wearing that and that is final" I told my brother firmly as we were now at Barry's house, Chris being the first to make an exit. To my surprise he still had  those hideous clothes in his hand. 

I eyed him in distaste while Jill made her exit.

"Well it seems we are Barry's first guest" Jill added the moment she locked the car, Chris and I having the ultimate battle as my stubborn brother kept shoving those items at me.

Was he deaf and I was unaware?

What part of I won't wear that don't he get?

"I said put it aside and be gone!" I told Chris as we approached the door, only for the door to open with great suddenness. We all smiled, Barry greeting us with an equivalently wide smile.

"Quite early aren't we" He greeted politely as he made way for our entry.

"You mean Leon and the others aren't here yet?" Chris asked and I looked at him but the look Jill gave was far worst. 

"Did I not just say would be Barry's first guest because there are no other cars? Damn you walk on your ears" Jill hissed as she crossed her arms, only to sit when Barry indicated for her to do so.

"No wonder Claire was so eager to move out on you guys" Barry remarked and that's when his daughter came and hug me.

"Hi Claire" she greeted sweetly and I toyed with her hair.

"Hello sweetheart you are growing quite lovely" I told her, the girl's eyes falling on Jill whom she greeted with a firm hug.

"Jill!" she exclaimed, Jill returning the gesture firmly.

"Hi little one" she greeted but the girl looked at Chris and for some strange reason I say she feared him because she went right back to her father. Odd because she was always a friendly girl.

When I looked at my brother's face I saw the exact reason the girl shied away and to be quite honest I didn't blame her. Chris was staring at something in utmost anger.

"Well what can I get you folkes?" Barry asked and it was in that moment I realized I was the one Chris was staring at.

"I'll have some water at the moment" Jill sated as she was oblivious to the whole stare down Chris was giving me.

When Barry gazed at me I shook my head and my brother did the same when it was his turn. That's when Chris took my hand and led me somewhere more private. 

Closing the door behind us Chris looked at me, his hand still holding me firmly.

"What happened?" I was asked and I stared at him oddly.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked and he pushed my hair aside.

"What happened to your neck?" he asked and I gave my brother my back as my entire dress went down.

How do you guys think Chris react to the bruises on his younger sister's body? Will this wedding even occur ?

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