Special: Ferb's Birthday Wishes

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Ferb buried his face in his pillow.


Sighing, he turned his head enough to look at Phineas. And frowned at seeing his brother lit up only by the light he'd sometimes read by. He glanced at the window to check that is was still dark outside and not simply overcast.

Phineas jumped onto the bed, barely missing Ferb. "C'mon, we need to get an early start."

Giving a slow blink, Ferb tried to figure out what the heck he was talking about. They rose with the sun, not before it, except for special occasions. As far as he knew, today was not one of those days.

The bright grin on Phineas' face dimmed. "You don't know what day it is. How do you not know what day it is?"

Ferb rolled onto his back to sit up. There was a possibility he'd feel foolish once told, but his still tired mind wasn't connecting the day to anything important.

"Okay, okay." He shoved a closed envelope to into Ferb's hands. "Here." There was a teasing glint in his eyes that set Ferb on edge. Practical jokes were not commonplace between them, outside of April Fools, but they did happen.

Opening the envelope, he slowly slid out the card inside.

"Happy birthday, bro."

Ferb glanced between his brother and the birthday card featuring a childishly drawn robot and the words "Happy 3rd Birthday."

Phineas was then promptly shoved off the bed.

SnapshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora