Chapter Four

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Green wire, blue wire, red wire, white wire.

White goes to three, red goes to seven, green goes to four, and blue goes to two.

These must be connected while simultaneously typing in a complicated number sequence on a tiny keypad that must also be inserted into one of the computer's ports.

Sound complicated? Impossible, even?

This was Seth Tyler's favorite part.

Of course, Vanessa, Theo, Kat, Caden, and Sage could all do this, too. Just not as well.

See, the Squads are divided into six for a reason. Although Prep School teaches you all six talents, each team is assembled so that none of the talents are repeated. Except two.

For example, Vanessa has the best leadership qualities, making her Captain. As Captain, she has the last say on all decisions, and she is responsible for keeping her Squad under control.

Theo's fighting skills earn him the position of main fighter, being the team's protection. He is the first to go in during any fight.

Behind those sharp features and firey hair is an analytical and clever mind. Kat is the team's main strategist, and she is the first Vanessa goes to in times of decision-making. Unless she is confident in her choice. Which she usually is.

When deals need to be made or Outsiders from the Market society need to be interacted with in any way, Sage and Caden are the ones to go to. Though quiet, Sage is naturally understanding. Caden is her exact oppositte - witty, boisterous, and personable -, making them a perfect duo.

Seth, of course, is the techie. He was designed to belong with the Talents, his mother and father being some of the greatest, but he did not feel that way. He never did. Even Sage, quiet, gentle Sage beat him in fights.

He was shaken out of these thoughts by Vanessa's sweet voice, "What are you waiting for, Seth?" She slapped him on the back of the head. "We have sixteen more exercises to go through! This is usually your third fastest with a record of 27.084 seconds! Hack it already!"

It made Seth chuckle everytime he heard Vanessa speak that way. She was a tiny little thing, coming no higher than any of Squad 309's ears. Yet no one dared defy her.

"Alright, alright," Seth responded, completing the task by typing the sequence in the keypad, removing it, and tapping the spacebar on the computer twice. A black background appeared, with a green checkmark in the middle, and a time under it. 61.823 seconds. His worst all year.

Vanessa showed no emotion - as they were all trained to - as she took notes on a dataport. "Next," she said, not looking up.

Sighing, Seth made his way to the next computer. Sure, Vanessa was strict, and, often times, mean, but she was an excellant leader. Seth had to admit that. Anyone would. He dutifully got started on the next computer station.


The rest of Technological Hacking passed without incident. As did the rest of their classes. Very good, in Vanessa's book. Kat, as usual, had beat all of them in Logic Challenges; today's challenge being to solve twenty logic puzzles on paper. Sage and Caden had excelled at Negotiation. They made an amazing team. The situation of today had been to talk an experienced Mafia leader out of all his money. The two did more than that. Sage convinced him to give even more. Yes, this was how the Market society gained the majority of their funding. Theo had beat Mr. West in Sparring, and Seth had done alright in Technological Hacking. Not his best today, Vanessa noted. Maybe he was just off.

As they collected their things, packing them all into matching black knapsacks, they decided to skip their usual snack-time at the Grill and go straight to their Housing Development. They all lived together, according to Prep School Rules. "To encourage further teamwork development and to gain knowledge of each other in a more intimate way, Sqaud members shall live together from the minute they are formed." Rule Twelve.

They made their way out of Rochester Building and down the large stairs, passing groups of six - Squads going back and forth across campus. Passing the Grill and two other buildings, all of Squad 309 spotted them. Squad 417. Renee's Squad was the main rival to Vanessa's. Vanessa had beat her out in the Eighth Year Test, when Captain candidates compete for first choice in Squads. Renee had been beaten by three points. Three points.

Vanessa merely strutted past as Renee glared.

Squad numbers correlate to Housing numbers; thus being why Squad 309 made their way to House 309. It was a part of Neighborhood Three, a hundred houses in one line, a train going down the line between Neighborhood Three and Four to ease travel to Houses like 390 and above. 

As they approached the front door, Vanessa called out to her Squad. "Who's got keys?" She never used her own; never even took out her own, since she was fearful that someone might steal them. Not even her team knew where she kept them.

"It's Theo's turn," Kat responded. They took turns carrying keys to confuse any watchers.

He reached in his back pocket. His black brows furrowed over his blue eyes. He reached in his pocket again. "It's not there, Vanessa."

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