Chapter One

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We do not join the Market. We are born into it. And if we are born into it, we have no choice but to give our all to it. We cannot escape it. We cannot choose what we are willing to do. We just do.

Even before we are born, our life is planned out. What branch of the Market we will go into, who our parents will be and why, how we will be raised, who our friends will be and why.

We are all told the same things as we grow older. "You are important," they say. "You serve a very important purpose. A purpose that only you can serve."

We grow up surrounded by no one but Market members. Lavish, beautiful cities are constructed in the most remote places, all over the world. That is where we grow, where we learn.

We learn in Preparation School. Our courses are determined by the ring we wear. As previously stated, our lives are determined before we are born. The parents are a predetermined couple meant to breed a specific type of child. Seven catagories separate all of us - Leaders, Workers, Technological Experts, Social Affairs, Weaponry Experts, Catalog Features, and Talented. The rings correlate in order - pearl, topaz, peridot, garnet, emerald, sappire, and diamond.

The Talented study in classes of six, which become their Squad. The talented only work alone when requested. This is the story of Squad 309.

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