
— "Ma please stop crying, cause I'll tear up again." A blonde girl was holding the cheek of an older woman. They can be seen within a busy and boisterous sea of people in Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand.

"How can I not cry? My baby is leaving Thailand to go to Korea. That's so far! I haven't experienced a long-distance relationship, such as this between us since you went to that girl's scout camping a few hours from our town." the older woman, a beautiful Thai with tan skin and dark tresses, announces in teary agitation.

"Mama!" the blonde, her daughter, who was taller than the woman – scolds in amusement.

"It's only for a few years, after that– I'm back to Thailand." the daughter lovingly caresses the cheeks of her mother.

"Three years is a long time Pranpriya!" tears well up in the woman's eyes, "But I'm proud of you. I'm proud that you're finally living your dreams."

"I just wish you would continue your studies here." the woman whines childishly, her hold on her daughter's clothes tighten.

Pranpriya giggles, "I would stay but– I can't let this opportunity slip. It would be such a waste and I don't want to live my life regretting that I didn't choose to jump the risk."

The woman nods, "Yes– again, I'm so proud of you. But I'll miss my little potato." she grabs Pranpriya's cheeks and gives a loud peck of a kiss on her soft skin.

Pranpriya returns the gesture by lovingly kissing her mom's forehead.

I'll miss my home. I'll miss my Mama and Papa. I'll miss my friends, but I can't back out now. I've come too far, I have to stand my ground in this decision.

After she graduated from high school as one of the Top achieving students in both academics and her sideline, photography– a scout from a high-end university in Korea grew interested in her skills.

Pranpriya always had a passion for photography, unlike her parents who were more in line with Culinary (she can't cook for a living). She took up photography programs during her high school days and even became apart of their journalism committee. Due to this, she won tons of awards in photography and journalism contests.

Pranpriya also loves to dance but her sole focus is still photography.

She was once interviewed, on one of the contests she signed up to, and asked what made her love photography— she simply answered, "My passion is my obsession, I do not know why I love taking pictures so much– but, capturing the things that catch my eyes always pleases me, and sharing it for others to see somehow makes me happy."

The scout, who was actually from Korea – offered her a scholarship in their university.

Kim's University, one of the top schools in Asia and currently fighting head to head with Seoul University in terms of their offered superior education and student passing rates.

Having the chance to be a part of that type of University would be a dream come true for her.

The only down point is that, she was miles away from her family and she has to learn a new language in such a short amount of time.

But there was one thing Pranpriya is known for, and that is her passion and drive to achieve her goal. Learning Korean from scratch was quite hard at first but she somehow made it work. She wouldn't say that she's that fluent in Korean yet, but she knows she'll somehow pick up the language when she stays in the country. After all, three years was a long time– words of her mother.

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