四十八 | Yon Juu Hachi

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"...as lost as alice... as mad as the hatter..."



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It was the one word that pushed Lisa's aching body on a full blown sprint. The blonde's head was still pulsing with pain – especially her wound, but her adrenaline rush was helping in easing out the agonizing sting. Even though it was very dark, her hazel eyes had already adjusted in the murky night.

Lisa faintly recalls the path. Once her brain's nerves screamed out to flee from Jennie – her mind instantly made a map of the brief visits she had on the flowered field with the feline eyed girl. So without any more delay, the blonde dashed towards the path that should lead her behind the main campus's ground.

The blonde ran straight towards the place that was hidden by a bunch of vines and leaves – the path that worked as both an entrance and exit for the field. Once Lisa burst out from the leaves and into the dense forest, she all but broke out into a full sprint. She could feel the scrunch of the dried leaves under sneakers.

The slap of the tree branches and leaves on her face didn't really register. Lisa could hardly feel the presence of Jennie, she doesn't even know if the feline eyed girl was giving chase. A part of her wanted to look back, but a huge party of her was screaming bloody murder— screaming at her to run away from the place.

Lisa felt a deep feeling of worry for Rosé and Nancy. She could faintly remember that an arrow nearly struck Rosé in the head – moreover, the blonde saw Jennie drop a bow along with a quiver full of arrows on the field during their confrontation. Lisa's mind was reeling from the revelations that had occurred, she hardly expected this event to happen just right after the blonde met Jennie's family.

Jennie confessed to murdering people, the feline eyed girl even kidnapped Rosé and it seemed like she wouldn't even hesitate to shoot the Aussie girl dead. God did Lisa feel utterly gobsmacked by the fucking shit that's happening right now.

And FUCK, Jennie was fucking chasing her what the FUCK.

Lisa kept cursing out in her head while running on the woods with her hand still holding her wounded arm.

The blonde was tirelessly navigating the dim area, mapping out the landmarks she quietly memorized when Jennie lead her to the flowered field. Lisa could deduce that the back of the University should be no less than a few meters away.

As Lisa was running, she didn't notice a lone tree root bulging down the ground— her foot accidentally got caught up in it causing her to stumble down the ground, a whimper escaped her lips since a part of her wounded arm slammed down the earth.

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