Ch. 4 - Bonding

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"He was an asshole and a jerk! He doesn't care about anyone but himself!" Hunter replied.  "So maybe you two should've been soulmates!  That's a perfect match right there!"

Hannah returned to crying in their parents arms.

"You shouldn't say things like that Hunter, even if it is true." His dad said.

"AJ was a good guy!" Hannah cried.

"A good guy doesn't bully others for no reason.  Good guy my ass." Zekaj mumbled in his mind, causing Hunter to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Hannah yelled turning to him.  Hunter panicked.

"Your face when you cry."  Hunter said quickly.  This caused Hannah to scream even more calling him a jerk and a few curse words.  He didn't mean to make her feel bad, he panicked.  But it wasn't like Hannah hadn't said many rude things to him in the past.

"Hunter just go up to your room while she gets over this."  His mom said, motioning for him to go to the stairs.

Rolling his eyes, Hunter made his way up the stairs.

Upstairs in Hunter's Room, Zekaj immediately made himself comfortable again.  But something was on his mind, could a demon and a human be soulmates?  Demons have only ever been paired with another demon, never with a mage.

What did Hunter want in a soulmate, Zekaj thought.

"So uh soulmates," Zekaj started.  "Any preferences in what or who they are?"

Hunter wondered where the question came from.

"Uhm I'm not really sure.  I don't know what I want." Hunter answered.  "Someone nice and funny, who likes me for me, for a start."

Hunter knew deep down, he wanted his soulmate to be male.  He has always been attracted to men.  Having a smoking hot Demon sitting in his room most days didn't help the fact either.  Hunter knew better than to get his hopes up.  For one, Zekaj was probably straight and wasn't interested in being with a human.  Two, he was a demon and could only mate with other demons.

Not like Zekaj would like him like that, ever.

Or so he thought.  Zekaj was having the same thoughts, but questioned whether Hunter could ever love a demon.


July 4th

"How far can you travel through shadows?"  Hunter asked, he wanted to take Zekaj somewhere, but couldn't drive them.  His parents had left with one car, and Hannah with the other.

"Uhm, I don't believe there's a limit.  At least, I've never hit one." Zekaj answered.  "Why?"

Hunter quickly pulled up a map on his phone.  Zekaj quickly took the phone into his hands looking at the location.

"It's a surprise why we're going."  Hunter said.

Zekaj did question why on earth he wanted to go to this hill in the middle of nowhere, but he would do it in a heartbeat for Hunter.

"Should be easy enough."  Zekaj smiled.  He shifted into his humanly form, since they weren't going to be in Hunter's room.  He was currently wearing some of his own and Hunter's clothes, which were pretty tight on him though.

Hunter wasn't complaining.

"Can you bring a Human through shadows?"  Hunter questioned, as he put his book bag on.  They had never tried this before.

"Probably!"  He grabbed Hunter pulling him closer to his body.  Zekaj took off running into the shadows of Hunter's room.

Hunter could feel the coldness all around him, the only warmness coming from how close he was to Zekaj.  Hunter opened his eyes and saw nothing but Zekaj and the darkness surrounding them.  They were traveling incredibly fast and Hunter could see the light at the end.  He closed his eyes.

Suddenly, they were standing by a tree, overlooking a lake, with hundreds of people surrounding the lake.  Hunter was still clinging to Zekaj.

"Hunter are you alright?" Worried filled Zekaj's voice.  He was looking down at Hunter in his arms, when Hunter's eyes finally opened up after being squeezed shut.

"Y- yeah I am." He stuttered, he didn't want to leave Zekaj's hold.  He felt safe.

Finally letting go of Zekaj, he looked at his surroundings.

"Were in the right spot!" Hunter smiled.

"Did you doubt my transportation skills?"  Zekaj frowned, acting hurt.

"No, definitely not." Zekaj glared at Hunter.

"I'll leave you here."

"You'd come get me 5 Minutes later because you were bored." Hunter smirked.

Grumbling to himself, Zekaj laid down on the red and white checkered picnic blanket.  Hunter continued to pull out snacks out of his book bag for the two of them.  Finally he took a seat right next to Zekaj on the blanket.

"So why are we here?" Zekaj asked again.

Hunter checked his watch, then looked up towards the lake.  "Give it a minute."

One thing Hunter had quickly learned about Zekaj was that he was incredibly impatient.

A piercing sound made its way up into the sky, causing Zekaj to rise to his feet.

"What was that?"  He asked.  Hunter got to his feet, immediately Zekaj stepped in front of him putting a hand on his chest.

"Just wa-" Hunter was interrupted as the firework burst in beautiful red colors.

"Holy shit."  Zekaj whispered.  Hunter watched Zekaj's face turn to one of questions and amazement.  The colors reflecting off his pale gold eyes.  This brought a smile to Hunter's face.

"Fireworks."  Hunter said.  "I don't really know how they work but they're pretty amazing."  He continued to watch Zekaj as the colorful fireworks shined in his eyes.

They both were back to sitting with their shoulders almost touching.  Zekaj's eyes never left the colors of the bursting fireworks.

After the fireworks, they continued to sit there in silence.

"I've never could have imagined just how amazing Earth is.  I really never saw much of it, during the small amounts of time I was up here."  Zekaj whispered, staring at Hunter.

"There's a lot more you have to see.  I hope you aren't planning on leaving anytime soon."  Hunter whispered back.

"Never."  Zekaj smiled.

He truly meant that.  Nothing would keep him from leaving Hunter.  Hunter was his home now.

Accidently published without leaving an authors note, my bad! Hope quarantine is going well for you guys and youre getting class work done! See you next time and don't forget to vote and share if you'd like! <3


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