Neverending Love

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Aren't you something

Learning all from nothing

Hoping I can exagerate 

Just so I can elaborate 

on everything you are

I don't care about your car 

your money or anything honey

I respect you because you are 

Because of how your heart 


to the same drum

that seems to sound like a hum 

lightly in my ear 

I can think logically

But love isn't logical

Not even psychological

I need tp reach in your psyche 

In order to see your likeness for me 

Just like the sky cries

Whenever the sun dies 

My love for you has an understanding 

Understanding that 

Even if it's the fact that

Things are too good to be true

God made you 

to prove that verse wrong 

like lyrics to a song 

dirt to the ground 

plants to the sun

You are the only one 

Worth any of the breath I breathe

Now my heart is at ease 

All I ask is that you please 

Please let me go first 

Because I couldn't bare to see the birth 

of this love 

Be aborted by the heavens above

Or any outside force 

But of course 

I'll make sure I haunt you 

And you promise the same too

I don't know I'd do if I were to lose you

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