The unforgiving heart 3/27/12

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Not today, I can't stay

Don't say another word

About this gossip unheard

I guess it's just another thought

This attitude that ypu have brought 

to my attention

It's this dimension

Not your decision

Not to mention trying another wish 

A kiss to send us off 

would be too far of a thought 

Cause of how far we've parted 

Single loves that go brokenhearted 

My heart would skip a beat 

If only myself would give a reply 

Just a sigh 

that would clear the doors of my mind 

Only determined to find 


The keeper of those keys 

have long deserted me 

Fly away with wings 

But seem not to be assisting me with anything 

I guess someday they'll find their way 

to open my doors and repair my heart 

But I can only say this safely, once I know deep down in my soul 

That you'll put in overtime for my brokenheart to hold

Because I don't believe they're coming back

to inhabit their habitat 

For these doors will forever be locked 

Until the day I learn to trust 

But for now I hope I'm loud enough 

to fight these locks held with dust 

Forgive me if I'm A quiet soul

Until I find what the future holds.......

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