Dead Love

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When I loved you
There was no limits to what I would do
No matter what I'd choose you
Looking out for your well being,
I truthfully cared when you left
Only because I felt another
Couldn't give you the same love as I covered
You in.
I hope all is well
I mean it's not like I can actually tell
Since I've had the door shut
And even though the key hole is big enough
For me to see through
I choose not to
Hiding from the heartache
Because that's something I can't take.
That doesn't mean I don't reminisce
On the memories I truly miss
I didn't take it for granted
Because I know
I know
I have grown to know
That eventually people grow
Parted like the red sea
Floating away like Noah's ark
There's not a spark
Of interest that would be left to ignite
A fire due to hate
But as much as a person can relate.
I hate to say
With each day,
I can't help but remember
That love is a wildfire
That can't just be put out
Instead it spreads.
Leaving me in my torment
I know I said what I meant
And I meant what I said
But it's said to have to remind myself
That all these thoughts are now dead.

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