Chapter 20

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The Next day
I woke up and went to the bath room which the door to it was right beside the bed I was sleeping in. I took my clothes, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner into the bath room to take a shower. After I was done in the shower I got dresses, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth then finally got out of the bath room. Trevor was up now. "Morning beautiful!" said Trevor. "Morning handsome!" I said. "your lucky that you get to take a shower because I'm not allowed showering in till they take the needles out of my arms" said Trevor. "Well you'll live with out showering for 2 day's stinky!" I said joking around. "I know" said Trevor. I went over to Trevor and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks! love you Amber" said Trevor. "I love you too" I said. " OH SHIT!" said Trevor. "what.........what's wrong?" I said. "I HAVE TO FILM A O2L VIDEO FOR TOMORROW!" said Trevor worried. "I CAN'T LET THEM KNOW WHO DID THIS TO ME OR WHY IT HAPPENED!" said Trevor even more worried. "who did it Conner Franta. why because you were defending Conner off so he wouldn't kiss me like he tried to but then you lost....majorly. that's who and how." I said joking around. Would you like to be in the video with me?" said Trevor. "Ya I guess. but they won't want to see me any way." I said to Trevor. " No, they won't want to see you they would die to see you."they worship me so they will worship you because your my girlfriend." said Trevor. "Trevor are you on crack because they will threaten me want to kill me and even tell me to go die" I said to Trevor knowing he would realize what would happen. "OH. shit!" said Trevor realizing the obvious. "It will be ok." said Trevor. "Okay what ever" I said rolling my eye's. "Call Ricky so he can go get my camera" Trevor said. "Any thing else stinky" I said joking around. "Nope" said Trevor smiling. So I went to get my phone and I had a text but phone must not have went off when I got it.
From Conner - Will u be my bae, Trevor doesn't slay, we can meet for the day, at the city bay.

From Amber - Nice poetry but, I won't be ur bae. and Trevor does slay, I have plans for today so I won't meet you at the city bay. BURN!

From Conner - Well you schooled me there but could we still hang out some time? Today while Trevor is taking a nap.

From Amber - Trevor isn't taking a nap to day he's making his o2l video today.

From Conner - k what ever.

"You calling Ricky or not" said Trevor softly. "Ya" I said making shore I didn't tell him who I was texting or what about. So I called Ricky. " Hello?" said Ricky through the phone. "Hey Ricky it's Amber can you go to Trevor's house and get his camera? please for Trevor." I said through the phone. "Okay. WAIT! before you hang up are you going to be in the video?" Ricky said sternly through the phone. "Um.......maybe." I said in my I'm lieing voice on accident. "Well be prepared for a few good comments and a lot of bad one's." said Ricky through the phone almost worried. " I will be fine Ricky" I said through the phone. "ok" said Ricky then he hung up. "Is he bringing it?" said Trevor. "Ya. he's bringing it." I said. "Good." said Trevor. "You feeling ok?" I said because Trevor looked really pail. "I don't know I'm feeling cold." he said and I though it was fairly warm in the hospital. "Um.....Trevor I mean it this time I'm seeing if your head feels warm" I said worried. "Ok." he said. So I kissed his four head. "OH MY GOSH! Trevor you burning up!" I said worried. I ran and got a wash cloth from the hospital bathroom and ran cold water over it rang it out a little so it wouldn't drip. Then I put it on his four head. "What in the hell are you doing?" said Trevor. "This will help" I told Trevor. Then after that we sat there in the hospital bed waiting for Ricky to come and bring Trevor's camera.

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