Chapter 15

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Later that day
" We've been invited to a youtuber party" said Jc. " Ok o2l + girlfriends will be coming because no girlfriends, no o2l." said Trevor. " Um.......You don't.........have..........a........OH!" I said. He smiled while biting his lip. " guys" said Jc shocked but still knew it would happen. "I don't's up to Amber." said Trevor nervously. "So........whats your answer?" said Kian. "SAY YAS GURL!" said Ricky making me laugh. "Um..............YES! I said. "ITS : YAAASSS! : NOT :YES!: LEARN PROPER ENGLISH GURL!" Ricky said joking around. "So it's official!" said Trevor joyfully. "Ya! I guess so!" I said as happy as him.

"AMBERS DATING TREVOR" said Dakota wi'll making kissing noises. "Oh shut up." said Trevor smiling. " Its not like your not dating Ricky!" said Trevor. " NOW YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Yelled Dakota to Trevor. "WHY DID YOU TELL THEM WE ARE DAKOTA!?!?" said Ricky. " I didn't, but now they know." said Dakota to Ricky."Oh.......oops!" said Ricky.Dakota dragged Ricky to his room to talk to him.

"WOW...... That's what Dakota looks like when she's mad!" said Jc. "Ya dumb ass I told u remember?" I said still a little pissed off at Dakota for yelling at my bf. "Why do you put up with that?!?" said Trevor. "Because.......because she's the only person I have" I said, because of how rough it is to get friends at school that under stand you. "Well you have me now." said Trevor. " You don't have to put up with her anger if u don't want to, you know that right? You have me."said Trevor. "Well I have u for the summer, than I go back to West Virginia, far far away." I said. "No, u will be mine for ever and more! You will have me to death we part! I'm not letting u go! Your not like other girls, your perfect for me." said Trevor. I sheded a tear of joy. "Don't cry." said Trevor. " It fine it's tears of joy." I said. " Oh good!" he said. " I love you! " he said smiling. " I l.......I lo.......I." I struggled to say I love u. "Something wrong did I do something to hurt u?" Trevor said. We were now alone, because every one were in their bedrooms. "No I'm just........not feeling good." I said. "Ok lets just sit down and and chill" said Trevor.

After a little while it got dark out side. "OH SHIT I'VE GOT TO GO!" said Trevor. "Do u maybe want to come to my house?" said Trevor. " Sure!" I said feeling better. Then we walked out the door and waited for his mom to pick us up.

Summer Brake ( a Trevor Moran fanfic )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt