Chapter Ten

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Two months later

Arizona and Lexie sat at one of the tables in the cafeteria. They had reconciled after fixing all their problems and were happily eating lunch together. They looked up when they heard Sara and Felicity laughing across the room.

"When did they two get together?" Arizona asked.

Lexie shrugged. "Not long ago, I guess. Sara wouldn't shut up about Felicity the whole time we were on call together."

"That's cute." Arizona says softly, smiling when Sara kisses Felicity. "They're cute together."

Lexie nodded. "They are happy and that's all that really matters."

Arizona nods in agreement, frowning when her pager goes off. She lifted it off the table and looked at it.

"I have to go." the blonde says immediately.

"Everything okay?" Lexie asked.

Arizona frowns. "I don't know yet." she responds before rushing off.


Nyssa looks up with tears streaming down her cheeks as she looks at Arizona. "Please help him?" she begs, holding her son close.

"What happened?" Arizona asked, moving to take Nyssa's son.

"I-I tripped while holding him." The brunette sobs out.

"He'll be okay, just let me look at him." Arizona said.

Nodding her head, Nyssa let's Arizona take him. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You need to calm down. He can sense that you are upset." Arizona said.

Closing her eyes, Nyssa takes a deep breath. "I'm trying."

"Go outside for a few minutes." Arizona said. "Get some air."

Shaking her head, Nyssa looks right at Arizona. "I can't leave him."

"Yes you can. He'll be fine." Arizona said.

The brunette just shakes her head again, looking toward Jaxson who was still screaming in Arizona's arms.

"I was paged." Alex says as he walks into the room.

"Take Nyssa to get some air please." Arizona asked.

Alex moves toward Nyssa who instantly backs away. "I'm not leaving my son."

"Nyssa, he can sense that you are upset which is making it harder for Arizona to check him over." Alex said.

The brunette shakes her head. "I can't leave him, I-I did this."

"It was an accident." Alex said.

A soft sob escapes Nyssa as she continues to look at Jaxson.

Jaxson slowly cried himself to sleep.

Arizona gently lays him on the hospital gurney and begins looking him over. "Karev, order a CT and MRI."

"I thought you said he'd be fine." Nyssa said.

"These are just tests to check what we can't see Nyssa." Arizona says softly.

Alex left to order a CT and MRI.

Nyssa sighed. "I need to call Oliver."

"Go do that. He'll be fine." Arizona said.

Nodding her head, Nyssa slowly steps into the hallway to call Oliver. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair as she waited for Oliver to answer her call.

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