Prompt 16

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"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"

A piercing, shrill cry sounded throughout the maternity ward, the first sound of a newborn baby being brought into the world. It had been a taxing eight-hour labour for Tenten, and she lay back against the pillows of her hospital bed, exhausted.

"Congratulations." Sakura said with a grin as she presented the new baby to the couple. "It's a healthy baby girl."

Neji sat loyally by Tenten's side, his hand in hers as he watched his daughter being placed carefully against his wife's bosom. Neji took his first good look at his daughter; a beautiful, fragile being that was so small, it brought out a fierce protectiveness in Neji that he had never felt before.

His gaze moved to his wife, her eyes tearing up as she stared at her newborn child. Tenten looked exhausted; hair matted with sweat, dark bags under her eyes and skin pale from her recent ordeal. And yet...

"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He breathed, his hand reaching up to tenderly stroke his wife's face.

"Neji," her laugh was tired, but her eyes were filled with love as she looked at her husband. "I'm drenched in sweat and I'm more tired than I have ever been in my life."

"And yet, you are stunning." He leant forward to kiss her forehead, before placing his hand on the top of his daughter's head. "You did well, Mrs. Hyuga."

Tenten smiled at him, a silent thanks for staying by her side the whole time she was in labour. She didn't know how she would have coped had it not been for his constant encouraging words and reassuring touches. Tenten's gaze once again fell upon their daughter, so safe and content in her arms. "What should we name her?"

Neji didn't need to think twice. "Keiko"

"Meaning, 'blessing'." Tenten murmured. "That's perfect." She turned her head to face him and they shared a brief kiss. Tenten sighed contentedly and rested her forehead against Neji, the couple happy to just watch their perfect newborn daughter.

They couldn't wait to start this new chapter of their life together.


I hope you enjoyed this one. I've been trying to slowly get through different aspects of their family life together and I really enjoyed this one (although now I really want to know how Neji handles being a dad for the first time XD)

There are four more prompts after this. Thank you for sticking with me this long. Please let me know if you're enjoying them, along with which one you especially enjoy and why. I'm thinking of making a couple of these prompts into longer stories, so I'd like to know which ones my readers like best.

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