Prompt 14

650 23 2

"Why haven't you kissed me yet?"

They were so close—not even a hair's breadth apart—and yet Neji refused to move closer. Tenten was just as obstinate as her pearl eyed comrade was, she too refusing to close the distance between them. So, the two just stared at each other, eyes intense but both too stubborn to finish what they had started; what they knew they both wanted.

After deciding she couldn't take it anymore—the anticipation was killing her—Tenten glared up at him and said hotly, "why haven't you kissed me yet?"

His grin was slow and measured, as was his reply. "I thought you would never ask."

And then his lips were on hers, hungry and wild, and everything around her faded into the distance as she kissed him back, just as fiercely.

He always won this game, no matter how many times they played. And they had been playing for years. Not that I can complain, Tenten thought with a smirk as they fell onto the bed, a tangled mess of arms and legs. The outcome is always the same.


Neji and Tenten play a game where they stare at each other at a (very) close distance, and see who breaks first. Nejiwho possesses the patience of a saintalways seems to win, much to Tenten's chagrin.

I know this one is bad, but I could honestly not think of anything. No flames please. XD

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