. Chapter 17

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207 years old King Lussiando (20 in human years)




When I saw him, I felt my heart pound heavily and a sweet scent filled my nostril

"Mate" I whispered and the boy slowly looked at me, his eyes widening in shock

"Mate" He whispered, a soft smile tugging at his lips

I bit my lips and walked towards him, staring at him in awe

"You're really beautiful. My name is Lussiando Silas, what's yours, pretty mate?" I asked, taking his hand in mine

"D-Daken" He whispered and I smiled

I pecked the back of his hand, loving the pretty blush on his cheeks

"I, Lussiando Silas accept you as my mate" I said and he grinned

"I, Daken accept you as my mate" He said back and in excitement, I lifted him in my arms

"Would you like to come and live in my kingdom, mate? I don't want to force you and I'll accept if you prefer us to spend some time together before" I said and his eyes became teary

"I am not royalty like you, King Lussiando. I'm a mere orphan who has been kicked out because I turned 18! I don't have anywhere to go but at the same time, I don't want you to think that I accepted our bond because you're a king" He whispered sadly and I lifted his chin up, holding him tight

"No baby, don't say that! I trust you completely" I said and a sob escaped his lips

Daken hugged me tight and cried on my chest while I comforted him

"Sh, you're okay" I mumbled to myself, not liking the tears in his eyes

Months have passed since I found my mate, my fated partner and currently, I had my pretty mate underneath me

He was staring at me with those glossy brown eyes, panting heavily

"Mark me, please, I want to be yours" He whimpered and my fangs came out at that


My vampire hissed and at that, I sank my teeth into his neck, hearing his loud moan

I felt his sweet blood on my tongue and closed my eye


I moaned

I pulled back and stared at him

He was smiling while my eyes started to feel droopy

"I love you" I whispered, smiling softly and he grinned

This time, It wasn't an innocent one

Instead, I found it really weird and....evil

"I love you too, my dear mate" He whispered darkly, pushing me off him

I fell on the bed and my body became really heavy

I could barely move and could see him dress up

He looked at me, smirking in mischief

"Oh King Lussiando, so trustworthy and naive" He chuckled, shaking his head

"I am not your mate, Lussiando Silas, I am just a mere dark fairy who has the ability to create any scent, even that of your mate. The blood you just drank, well, It's going to send you in a dream land that will last enough for me to run away and disappear from this world. Goodbye, Sweet vampire, it was a pleasure to trap you! You have been my easier target so far. Here's a kiss! " He exclaimed, blowing a kiss at me before turning around

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