. Chapter 04

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After spending time with Alaric, I went back home fully healed

My wolf was a bit annoyed as everytime we passed by a pack member, they apologised to us

. Oh now they want to apologise!? I swear I'll eat them one day

Abe huffed and I chuckled

As soon as we went home, Mom ran towards me

"Abel! You're still alive! Don't scare me like that again. I tried to contact you but you weren't answering!" She whimpered, pulling me into a hug and I hugged her back

"Sorry mom, Alpha brought me to Alaric for healing" I said and mom pulled back, a frown on her face

"Let me talk to that alpha of yours! I'll kick his ass for having let you get hurt! It's my fault, I shouldn't have scolded you" She muttered in concern, tidying my hair and I chuckled

"Don't worry, mom! Why were you angry this morning?" I asked  and she sighed

"I tried to make a pie and told you to look after it! You even said yes! When I came back, it burnt and I found that you were still sleeping. That's why I got mad at you" She sulked and I rubbed my neck

"I'm sorry mom, I think I answered you in my sleep" I said and she sighed

"Oh boy, you're the best present someone ever gave me!" she exclaimed and I blushed at that

"You really think so?" I asked shyly and she nodded, pecking my cheeks

"Of course! I would never be able to thank the former alpha for that" she said and Abe whined emotionally

"Even if we aren't werewolves?" I asked hesitantly and she smiled lovingly

"When the former alpha Brought you, you were just a tiny little beast who wouldn't change into his human. I spent five month feeding him until he changed. In fact, you were named after him! Abe is my first baby and you, my second. How can I not like my two kids? "Mom exclaimed and Abe lowered his head, covering his head with his paw

. Mom will make me blush

He muttered while I smiled at what mom said

Mom's mate died 25 years ago and her wolf was depressed

Alpha Zane's father found Abe in his beast form.

He knew that Abe and I weren't werewolves yet, he took us. Abe was only 1 year old and our real parents had died as they were hunted

Alpha thought it was a good idea to gift me to mom so that she doesn't feel lonely anymore

Mom and her wolf were really weak at that time and Abe gave them a new reason to live.

I love my mom so much,

Even if she was the reason why I'm scared of almost everything

Abe and I were a naughty kid and she would tell us story about witches, vampires and fairies punishing bad boys

We were really naive, believing everything that our momma told us and we are still scared of her stories

A part of us still believe that it's true, specially when a group of vampires attacked the pack in search for someone

Night time arrived and Abe was a bit restless because he was waiting for alpha Zane

At 8 o'clock, we smell the scent of alpha and when we heard knocking at the door, I opened it to see a smiling alpha Zane

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