Chapter 24: Part 1

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My chest heaves painfully, my throat burning and my forehead sweating. My pulse is rapid and my adrenaline is non overdrive. I love it. My legs begin to give in, my whine body beginning to cave on me.

I decelerate before finally stopping and collapsing on a nearby wall, trying to regain my breath. I cough mildly and tilt my head back as the cold water soothes the burn in my throat and send chills through my veins. I pull out my hair tie and flip my head forward, gathering the hair once more and pulling it together in a high ponytail.

I had missed the feeling of liberty, of adrenaline. Harry had been helping me eat each day to regain my strength. He even told me that we are still at war with the Rebellion but peace still rains with the Intrinsecus. It isn't much, but it's more than I had.

I look on over the hills, the sun setting behind a distant mountain, the sky illuminated with org ages and pinks and the water glowing. The trees slowly sway with the breeze and there is silence. There are no buildings or landsites, no houses or stores. There is just earth.

They burnt it down, but at least they had the audacity to clean it up.

No birds chirp and no deer inhabit the forest. They're all dead. Apparently crows are not extinct yet, but I haven't seen one in at least 8 years. Daryl once told me it's because they eat them, but the whole time I've been with them they've eaten nothing but what I would eat myself.

It's strange how you can grow up with something for 16 years, having it drilled into your brain that they're an enemy who eat deer and birds and want to annihilate the human race. Most if that being true, but not all.

I don't trust them; not even Harry. I say "not even Harry" as though I should trust him, as though I have a reason to, as though I know him well enough to trust him. But I don't. I don't know any of them. Harry is probably fucking compelling me or something, because I was not built to passionately kiss someone or feel worthless without their touch.

I need so stay away from him. He is the enemy. It's getting harder each day to remind myself of that. I need to go back to camp and witness the devastation and loss they've caused. Thanks to them there's another war. What is even the point in that war of they want is to live in peace, but fight us as we peacefully fight back against them.

My brain is a mush as everything begins to come back to me again. All the unanswered questions I had that I need answers to. And I'm going to get them.

I stand back up, siking myself up for another 4 mile half perimeter run back to the main doors. I probably shouldn't be exercising that much: hell I know I shouldn't be, the doctor prescribed me bed rest, but I've never done what I've been told before, as I won't start for the enemy. The enemy. They're the enemy. It's getting harder each day to remind myself they're not human. Harder to resist the temptation of Harry Styles.

• • • • • •

I push the door open slowly, my back pressed firmly to the walk as I slyly look through the small crack. I wait for 9 seconds, my warts on alert for any sign on noise before I slither inside, closing the door behind me and squinting my eyes in the dark, the only light coming from the moon outside. I'm glad I still retain some of my instincts and skills that I can quietly sneak into a room.

Paul's office is quite small; compared to the rest of their headquarters. The fact they have a headquarters still puts my gag reflex on alert.

I open the blinds on the window which cover a large window that looks onto the forum and look through, only 2 or 3 Terrebit passing at once through the large area.

I turn back around, and quietly reach toward the small lamp on Paul's desk. I reach for the lock on the door and twist the small knob to secure the door - or prolong the amount if time it would take for them to get in. I walk round to the front of the desk, everything set out perfectly just as I had expected.

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