Chapter 2

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My head hurt like hell. My eyes weren't open but it was silent, so I must be alone. Wait, where is the war? I tried opening my eyes but it was as though they were sealed shut.

Darkness. Just the way I liked it.

This state of living was one I had become accustomed to.

I could feel friction against my wrists and ankles, and fought desperately to open my eyes. I could hardly feel my limbs. Everything was so numb. Muffled sounds could be heard - of course I didn't know where from - and the fight to open my eyes became stronger. Although in the end, darkness always wins. The sound of metal rang in my ears, before footsteps became increasingly close. My mind told me to get up, but my body begged to differ.

"Is she still not awake?" a rough voice sounded.

"Nah, it'll be a few hours yet." another replied. He was closer, due north east of me, the other further behind, roughly north west.

"She needs to be awake by tomorrow, do you understand?" the further away voice spoke. "Do whatever it takes to wake the bitch up, do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear." the nearer voice spoke, and I could hear the smirk on his face.

Then footsteps sounded and became quieter, before the familiar sound of metal clinked, and I was alone with one. I believed it to be the closer one.

"Oh sleeping beauty..." he hummed, stepping closer.

"I know you can hear me." he slightly sang, and came so close I heard him breathe.

I felt a hand rest on my knee, indicating he was crouched in front of me, using me for support. Yes, we were even trained about this.

"Now, I know that you can't, so I'll do all the talking. It's me, that's right. The Terrebit" I mentally kicked him away, kicking him in his jaw until it cracked "if you haven't guessed, you've been taken captive" he said so calmly, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. If I could I would spit on him. "We aren't idiots, we know how lethal you are. You're about as ruthless as our leader; but not quite. We've been watching you. We know everything about you. We know you better than you know yourself, Annabelle May Foster. May was your mother, right?" Oh My God, I'm going to fucking kill him. "She was such a sweet woman. Maybe a little too sweet" he chuckled, and I could feel the steam fuming from my ears. "Yes, it was a sad day when she passed. I remember watching you all crying. It was quite the sight" he laughed again. How dare someone speak my mothers name through such vile lips. "Then there was Mark" he began, and my insides boiled. "Such a brave man, but a little too cocky for my liking. He had to go, I hope you understand" and my eyes opened. I lunged foward, but was stopped by...a chair. The bastards tied me to a chair.

"Oh, well look whose awake! The woman of the year!" I looked up at the man who was dancing on my nerves. He was quite attractive, really, as much as I hated to admit it. He had distinctive blue eyes, and skin and hair to match. He held a knife in his hands, and ran his finger tips along the silver. "Beauty, ain't she?" he asked, staring down at the knife. It was a beautiful knife. A Gladius by my calculation. A touch to the throat would have you dead in seconds. I slowly began untying the ropes behind my back, which were surprisingly loose - for me. Terrebit underestimate us. I was once locked in a room for 8 hours without food or drink, attempting to untie the knot behind my back. "Your father had a great heart, may I say. I kept that one as a souvenir. But your mothers heart, damn" he breathed, shaking his head slowly, a smile etched on his face which I couldn't wait to slice off. Remain calm. That's the only way to untie yourself. "That one actually beat a little longer than it should have. Some say it was for you, but I like to think it was because of how I pleased her before she perished" a devilish smile locked on his face, and I could see nothing but it. My knot untied and I lunged forward again, faster than he could think to stab me. I lunged him into the wall, and stole the knife from his grasp, holding the cold metal to his throat.

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