Chapter 52: Part 2

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I rub my eyes, trying to regain focus and sit up but I feel drugged; because maybe I am. I open my eyes and see a blurry room with a bed and a door and I stumble towards it, my head heavy and confused.

"Where am I?" I slur to myself in my dazed state.

My heart. Where's my heart?

I reach for my chest and recoil when I numbly feel the pain and look down to see the scar through my ripped catsuit. What look faintly like stitches keep the wound closed and I lose interest, reaching for the door handle and pulling it down, the door opening to a room full of men and women who sit facing the door, and stand as I walk out.

"What the hell!" I panic, trying to close the door but falling against it and stumbling back to my feet.

I lean against the door and try to get a better look at them. They're dressed like guards and their faces are hard as stone as they watch me intently, analysing my every uncontrolled move.

"Where am I?" I try to ask, two of them walking towards me.

"You're a prisoner of the Resistance. Please go back to bed." They say robotically and as they push me towards the bed I feel like a cloud floating through the sky.

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"Hands." The man orders, and I huff as I put my hands behind my back and he locks cuffs around them and pushes me out the room.

The man doesn't speak as he takes me to wherever we're going. Every corner we turn 2 guards stand and give me daggers with their eyes as I walk past. Nice and welcoming.

He opens a door with a plaque that says 'COMMANDER AND CHIEF' and as soon as I step in the door and the man closes it behind him I race toward this 'commander' and scream in his face.

"Where is Harry?!" I demand and he slowly looks up from the papers on his desk. "Where am I and where is Harry!"

"Calm down." He says quietly and firmly, standing from his chair.
"Take a seat."

"Do I look like I want a fucking seat." I spit.

"No, but if you want answers you're going to god damn sit in one." He growls back, and I grind my teeth before flopping onto the chair in front of his desk.

"Well?" I say impatiently.

"You're in a maximum security Resistance safe house. Want to know why? You nearly killed the whole world."

"Oh God yeah, I was literally so willing to kill everyone I tied myself to a pole in case anyone tried to stop me." My sarcasm spews out.
"Where. Is. Harry." I ask slowly, my temper rising every second. If this asshole isn't careful he'll have a whole new problem to deal with if I turn.

"Your boyfriend? In safe hands."

"Where?!" I scream, standing from the table.

"You'll see him later. At the reckoning." He smiles and the blood stops in my veins.

"Who else do you have?"

"Who else do you love?" He smirks and my blood begins to boil, the warm feeling rising up my body.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"We haven't decided."

"Let me decide it for you." I smile sadistically. "If you keep me alive, I can guarantee you that willingly or not you will let me out. And when you do, a week, a month, a year, a decade from then you'll see me once more and only once more. I'll tie you to a chair, and take an hour to to torture each person, family, friend or foe, that you know. Don't forget I'm half human and half Terrebit, so my army will no doubt outnumber yours. I also have the Terrebit soldiers who just happen to be mindless psychopaths. That is one pathway." I say, and through the snarky smirk on his face I see the fear he feels.
"The second one goes like this. I die, Terrebit become outraged, lose control, mass genecide, less humans, so less of your army, so less opposition strength, Resistance survival rates plummet, yada, yada, yada, and if outraged Terrebit or vengeful humans don't kill you first then your own grieving army will. So, I propose that you let me go, let Harry go, let whoever else you have go, and we can avoid mass slaughter." I clap, nodding at him patronisingly.

The Monster [H.S.]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें