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Eleanor Calder

I pick up the last item from his room. It's his jumper that I wore just a few weeks ago. It smells like him.

I miss him.

"Eleanor!" My mother calls. "We've got to go!" She says from down the hall.

"I know! I'll just be a minute." I take a seat on his bed and run my hand along the pillow.

I was in the sea when it happened. I've always loved the sea. I used to surf as a kid, even competed in a couple of competitions. Me and Louis said our goodbyes the night before. We always knew it was coming. We knew our love was a limited one. I just never expected to be the one who had to face the consequences of it. I was the one who was supposed to die.

I wanted to be alone when it happened and honestly I think he did too. I think he wanted the routine of it all to keep him going. I knew it pained him but over the years he came to terms with it; I came to terms with death - not with losing him. This is so much worse.

I heard it from the sea. Hell, you could have heard it from the other side of the world. When Harry's heart exploded, I mean. It cast a blue-ish green mist over the sky for days. It reminded me of Annabelle's eyes. She was so beautiful.

I knew something was wrong. I knew it from the bang. I ran as fast as I could but he was dead by the time I got there. I ran to Harry's body. He was supposed to be immortal. Maybe killing a different species was a clause in the contract.

It's so surreal that they aren't here anymore. It's like I built this world with these people and now I'm the only one left.

"Come on Eleanor." My mother calls again, and I follow her voice and walk out with her to what used to be the training grounds.

But that's the thing. That's the beauty of this whole thing - the part I haven't mentioned.

When the mist cleared something miraculous happened. Something that seemed impossible. The brown fields turned green and the dead flowers bloomed back to life. The birds came back, species by species, singing one by one. Actually, they all came back. The deer, the foxes, the rabbits, the moles, I was even happy to see the skunks.

The brown seas turned to blue and the burns that had stopped flowing with water began flowing again. The ground produced vegetables and the trees produced fruits and the chickens lay eggs and the cows produced milk.


It was truly miraculous.

This new earth; this Terrebit free earth; its a lonely one but it's a beautiful one. And I know that I will make new friends and I know I will maybe even fall in love again. It's a new life. It's a chance to go to school and to have a house. To not need a gun when I walk through a door and to have a full nights sleep without fear of a battle. It's a new life.

But I won't forget them. Any of them. Even when people curse their name I will remember that they were more like us than any of them knew. They were funny, kind, brave, outrageous, crude, caring, generous, empathetic, sympathetic, psychotic and just about anything in between.

And Harry. The most hated man on earth. No. He will live on in my mind as a true miracle. A true hero. A man who turned against anyone and anything he'd ever known despite the shit he got for it because he fell in love with the girl he wasn't supposed to.

I hope and pray every day they are together again in heaven, reunited, but somehow when I look at the fresh daisies that grow in the emerald green grass; I know that they are.


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