Chapter 41

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Harry Styles

"No you don't, Harry." Yes, I do Annabelle.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I snap but guilt consumes me as the words leave my mouth.

Harry? Guilt? What is she doing to me?

I turn to walk away but she grips my arm firmly, her jaw clenched.

"If loving you kills me, dig me my grave." She spits, but her words are poisoned with hurt.

I hate this. I hate her saying this to me, and I hate me for not reacting the way I'm supposed to.

"What are you saying?" I prod, asking her to say it but desperately not wanting her to.

Say it, please, but don't.

"I can only say so much Harry, you have to say something from time to time." She huffs.

I'm at breaking point with the frustration I feel. I am completely conflicted and I cannot tell a soul why. I want to tell her so fucking much but I can't. I am literally driving myself insane over her, but I would sell my sanity any day for just a moment of time with her.

"I don't want to you go." I tell her truthfully, my shoulders slumping.

"I'm not leaving." She tells me, her face filled with an emotion I can't quite describe.

It's so strange. When she first came here she hardly twitched her eye, and now she looks at me with so much emotion is can't be defined. I guess I'm doing to her exactly what she's doing to me - whatever that is.

"Will you just please, for once, tell me what you're thinking?" She asks, stepping closer.

"I'm thinking that you look sexy as hell in that dress." I smirk as I take a step closer to her.

And damn right she does. It's some sort of red shade, like a- fuck, I don't know, a dark red, and it's shoulders are small straps but the dress falls tightly but not too tightly down to her ankle, a slit from the middle of her thigh and down revealing her tan, smooth leg. Her blonde hair is down for once, and it extends almost to her waist in waves, darker hair weaving in and out of it. The front has been pinned back, showing me more of her charming face.

And her eyes. Her green, misty blue eyes have me fucking reeling. She has some sort of black paint across her lid which extends out into a flick and only entices me more to them. Between that and her full, glistening red lips God knows how I'm still standing.

She's extraordinary - and she doesn't know it.

"I'm thinking you're becoming a sap." She mocks, but she can't mock the rosy pink taint on her cheeks at my words.

"I'm thinking you're becoming an even bigger asshole than you already are. I love it." I say and her laugh echoes in my ears like a melody. Shit, maybe I am becoming a sap.

"Harry?" I hear Niall clear his throat behind me and I step away from Annabelle and turn towards him.

"Yes?" I ask irritatedly.

"Zayn needs you in the Firik room." Niall says, his voice laced with not disgust but more disappointment. He knows, I know he does, it's just a matter of whether he'll believe it.

"Excuse me." I say to Annabelle and hear her heartbeat slow in her chest. Just in time, she may have turned had I continued being near her.

I stroll towards the Firik room, my hands in my suit pockets and open the door to find Zayn, Liam and Paul assembled in a triangle.

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