Chapter 13

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"I'm not doing this" Harry states firmly into the other end of the phone.

I stand carefully near the door, not too close but not too far so he won't know i'm listening if he comes out.

"Just get it over with and stop being a cowardly prick" he spits, and long pause coming after.
"I know that and I understand, but I can't" he trails off slightly, as though deciding whether he will or not.

Whether he will or not what?

"Fine. But in a month it's happening and then you will shut the fuck up" he threatens as I sit on the couch waiting for him to emerge from the room.

He joins me, sitting at the other side of the room. Part of me wants to question him about what's happening but the other half reminds me how then he'll know I was listening and will probably chain me again.

I look around the room that I looked around before, but only now do I notice that there's nothing; just walls. There's no windows or doors to the outside. I look up, a large skylight on the ceiling, but the ceilings are so high you couldn't even open it for fresh air.

"Where are the windows?" I ask, sitting forward to look behind me.

"There are none" he answers, and I roll my eyes at his indistinct reply.

"Why not?" I lift an eyebrow mockingly.

"Because they're escape routes" he looks into my eyes, and then back to his hands.

"Then how is everyone getting in and out?"

"If you knew that then we would have windows" he lifts his hand slightly as if it's obvious.

I sigh, I need to spend my time more wisely and start hatching a plan of how to get out of here. I'm going to lose oxygen in here.

Harry walks over to the table and presses the 'on' button on the television which is the biggest I have ever seen, my mouth slightly agape as I stare at it. Harry looks at me, as though he would ask me something but simply turns and sits back on the couch, this time on the one I'm on which sits adjacent to the television. I move over slightly to increase the distance and hear him let out a breath in almost a laugh.

The television flashes into focus and displays a scene of 2 people walking down a path. As the camera revolves around their faces I see the blue eyes and realise they're not people - it's them.

"What is this?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Its a movie called the Lost Ones" he replies for once.

"What is it about?"

He sighed frustratedly - not that I cared in the slightest - before explaining.

"It's about 2...for your sake lets say people. A girl and a boy. The boy is walking along a long narrow path, when he meets a girl. They begin to hold hands; that's about as far as we've gotten"

I snort at his obvious explanation.

"Thanks for that, Sherlock"

"Always a pleasure, Watson"

I turn took at him as he does me, his green irises filling into mine. I can't help but fall into a trance each time i look into those eyes. I remember the first time I saw them. The whole world just stopped. Silence. All that made sense were those eyes. The beauty of them is undeniable. They are the deepest shade of green, and gleam ever so lightly when he faces the light.

Why are they so green? Why are they green at all? These are questions I will never get answers to. He's so shy; so reserved. He really is the most intiquing thing in my life.

"Do you ever feel like the whole world is against you?" I ask suddenly, the words falling from my mouth before I have even processed the thought.

"The whole world is against you, the question is do you fight back?" he replies thoughtfully.

"What happens when you're done fighting back? When you're tired of fighting?"

"That's when you know the whole world is against you"

"Why do we always talk like we are philosiphers or something?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe because while the whole world turned on us we couldn't do anything else. Like it changed us and made us different." he pauses for a moment as I think about it. Am I the same person I was when I didn't have a thing to do with the war? No, probably not. "Either that or we are just disgustingly boring" he shrugs.

"Why disgustingly? Why not just slightly, or hugely?"

"Because we are so boring we literally creep people out" he says, and it happens again.

I'm laughing. And then I hear another strange noise. He's laughing. The 2 most boring personalities in the same room, so boring that they creeps everyone out, are lauging. The high pitched tone of my laugh and the low of his clash together in a perfect harmony, and all I can think of doing is harmonising with him all day.

And then I look away, and the eyes no longer captivate me, and i'm not under their spell anymore. And then I stop laughing, and I hope never to hear the harmony again.

How am I getting out of here? Question of the year. When I feel my strength fully return, I could attack. I'll kill Harry as he sleeps, the only problem being how. The other one being the tasers. They must have cameras in here if they taser on command. Where wouldn't have a camera?

Different thoughts fill my mind before I decide against the idea. If I kill Harry, all I've done is add to the death toll; there's millions more of them.

What about instead of going against Harry, I sided with him?

What if I turned on my people?

What if I turned on my father?

What if I became one?


(A/N) I promise the story is about to become more intense and some of the stroylines more clear. Picture of Annabelle on the side (Emma Maclaren) thanks for reading!

Okay I've just re read this chapter so I can write the new one and the picture is gone but it might just be on mine? idk sorry if I've lied

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