Chapter 53

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I run fast and far from the Resistance safe house, carrying 5 unconscious men and a woman with my mind, their limp bodies hovering behind me and flailing as I move. Harry's awake I'm sure, but I doubt he's strong enough to even speak.

Jarred let us go, on the condition I didn't end the world. Him letting Harry leave with me shows his fear of me. Harry is the key to ending the world, yet Jarred let him get away knowing I would always come for him.

A tear falls from my eye as I reflect on the last few months, or maybe even year of my life. Everything has turned upside down - but considering it was upside down before, does this make it the right way up?

Fuck that. Fuck math.

Nothing is normal. Nothing is right. Everything is fucked. The world has already ended by itself.

I see the headquarters and as I charge forward soldiers rush to open the gates and I hope they do in time because I can feel my energy rapidly draining.

Energy. I have so much but still so little. If I had more I could do so much; I could heal fatal diseases, help the grass grow back, make wildlife flourish again, grow trees and then stop forest fires - or maybe even start them. I could start the forest fires, then undo all my work and make the world go backward; devolve human kind, poison the land with drought and famine, kill those who get in my way, or maybe even finish what I started earlier and pull the earths core upward - destroying everything, and rather than turning the world the right way up I could turn it inside out.

"Annabelle." A voice says.

Shit. It was those thoughts again. Those sadistic thoughts which slaughter my morales into tiny pieces and make me into something else altogether.

"Annabelle?" The voice says again and I snap out of my thoughts, looking up to see Niall.

"What?" I ask, wiping a stray tear from my cheek.

"Good job." He nods, and I look around suddenly confused.

I had been so consumed in my own thoughts I hadn't realised I had already passed through the gates and lay each person on the ground, collapsing beside them.

"You should go to the infirmary aswell, just in case." He says.

"I'm fine, they didn't hurt me, it's Har-them we need to worry about." I clear my throat.

"I'll see you in a bit then." He furrows his eyebrows and fights a smile as the doctors take away each person on a gurney, Niall following along side Paul.

"Okay." I snap, embarrassed.

"Annabelle." I hear him. Harry. Wait, what the fuck?
"Annabelle, come with me." His voice says, and after a sharp intake of breath I run through the hallway to catch up with his unconscious body.

"Harry?" I ask, the doctors looking at me like an insane person.

"He's unconscious, Miss." They tell me.

"I'm in your head Belle. You can hear my thoughts." He explains.

Holy shit. Holy shit! Fuck knows how I've done it but I have. Holy shit. I can hear his thoughts. Wait, can he hear mine?

"Can you hear mine?" I ask in my head without response, before repeating it aloud and having the doctors look to one another.

"I think we should check you out, Miss." The female doctors says.

"No, I-" I try to explain before he cuts me off.

"No. I can only hear you out loud, so unfortunately you'll have to look like a creep as usual."

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