"Don't you dare lie to me. I pulled away from kissing you and you snapped at me!" I cried. I'm sure if I was human I would be crying.

"I'm sorry. I felt like you were rejecting me. So the only thing I knew how to do was make it seem like it wasn't that big of a deal. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I really don't know how to act around anyone. I've been alone for years and years. I want you to know that being with me is going to be terrible. You deserve someone better for a mate, but I will always love you and care for you, even if I don't show it," Adam said. He looked like he was telling the truth.

"I don't really want to talk to you right now. I'm still mad that you killed my parents." I looked away from him.

"I know. Come with me. There is something you need to see. Maybe it will jog your memory," Adam said and pulled me off of the bed and out into the living room.

He turned on the tv and then sat me down on the couch. He turned to a station and it was a news channel.

"It has been over a week since Rose Miller disappeared. The search efforts have turned up with no results. If anyone has seen this girl, please contact the police department. Please help us find her," a woman said, with emotion in her voice, but no emotion in her face.

A picture of a girl was displayed on the screen and I gasped. She looked like me. There were differences, but she still looked like me.

"That's you. You went missing over a week ago and they have done everything to find you. But that's not what I wanted you to see."

I continued to watch and a girl at a press conference came up.

"I'm Jessica, Rose's best friend. And I want to plead with anyone who has any information on where Rose is to tell us. I miss her, her family and friends miss her. We want her to come home. Please if anyone has any information, even if it is the tiniest thing, please tell us." The girl, Jessica, started crying and they led her off of the platform.

My mind flashed back to that night my life changed. I was watching everything before the party replay in my head.

"Did it help you remember at all?" Adam asked me.

"I remember the day you changed me. What did she mean by family?" I got up off the couch and I started pacing in the room.

"Your dad married into the profession of vampire hunting. So they are talking about his sisters and his parents," Adam explained to me simply.

"I just want my parents back." I wanted them to be okay. That's all I wanted. I just wanted my parents to be back with me. I may not remember them, but I would never want them to be dead.

"I know. I am very sorry. I hope you will forgive me for what I did," Adam pleaded with me.

"I don't know if I can. You killed my parents, and you only did it to protect yourself. The vampire hunting profession would have died with them! You think that I would have wanted to spend my life hunting a damn vampire? No, I wanted to live my life. I wanted to go to college, get married, have a big family, and as I grow old watch my family grow too. But now that is never going to a possibility for me," I said sadly.

"I made a big mistake. I should have asked you before I turned you. It was the worst thing I ever did, and I wish I could take it back. But Anabelle you are missed. You still have a family. There is something you can do," Adam said and watched me.

"What?" I asked.

"You can go to them at night and say you will miss them. They will think that you are a ghost and be happy you are alright," Adam told me.

"Yeah and then they will ask what happened. They probably think I was murdered. That wouldn't work. Adam, I don't know if I can forgive you. For now I need to think about it. Until i make up my mind I am going to stay here with you. But if I decide that I can't forgive you, I am going to leave. And I will not come back," I threatened. If he doesn't start acting like a person to me, I will not stay. He needs to prove he regrets what he did.

"Please don't leave me," Adam begged. He got off of the couch and walked over to me.

I moved back away from him. I didn't want him to be that close to me right now. I can be in the same room with him, but I want him a certain difference from me right now.

"I will make it up to you. In some way shape or form, I will do it," Adam stated. He seemed convinced that he would. We will have to see about that.

"Do you need to go hunting? I know you were really thirsty before I came into the bedroom."

I looked up at him and nodded my head fiercely.

"Alright let's go hunting quick." Adam grabbed my arm and led me out of the house. We ran into the forest and then came up to our normal hunting spot, outside of the one bar. My eyes widened as I smelled someone that was close.

I was about to run when Adam pinned me to the wall.

"Anabelle you can't!" He whispered to me.

"Why?" I whined. The person was now coming down the alley that we were in and I started thrashing in Adam's arms. He wasn't letting me go anywhere.

"Rose?" A girl's voice asked and my head snapped up to look at her.

It was the girl from the press conference. My friend before I turned into a vampire.

"That's your best friend. I know you don't want to hurt her," Adam whispered in my ear. My eyes watched her carefully and my mind was screaming to rip her throat out.

"Rose is that you?" Jessica asked and she continued to walk closer to me.

I tensed and Adam held on to me tighter. Jessica was right up next to us now and I started thrashing violently against Adam. I was about to scream when Adam covered my mouth.

I want to rip her throat out and drink her blood.

Adam held onto me and Jessica gasped as she seen me.

"Rose!" She yelled and hugged me.

And that is when I blacked out.

Hi guys! I did a double update because this story reached over 1K reads!! Thank you so so much! I cannot be happier!

So guys if any of you like horror and that stuff you should check out Jesse by @Z-Myers. It is an amazing book, you guys won't be disappointed if you read it.

Thank you guys. Please comment and vote on the story it would mean the world to me.

Bye guys! Stay awesome!

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