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Finally deciding we need to get going on with our day, I pull away from Carson, wiping my tear stained cheeks with a hiccup.

"You alright now?" He asks quietly, rubbing my shoulders. "No, but I'll troop on." I mumble, and he chuckles lightly.

"That's right.. Maybe we can try the pub tonight, and you can chat to Charlie, sound ok?" He suggests, guiding me back down the eerie corridor.

"Sure." I nod, heaving a great sigh as I hear patients begin to wake up.

We briskly walk down the corridor, gripping the files in our hands as we round the corner of the break off.

"Carson.. Can I ask a favour of you?" I mutter, and he hums, scanning over the notes I made yesterday.

"Can we possibly switch patients? I don't know how stable I would be having to pass her cell everyday right now." I ask quietly, and he looks up, a small smile on his lips.

"Of course bud, are you sure its not for another reason?" He smirks, and I furrow my brows, confused by his words.

Until it hits me.

"O-oh.. I didn't even think of that." I feel my face flush with heat, and he chuckles.

"Go ahead, we need to check on them, go on now." Carson chuckles childishly, shoving me playfully down his corridor.

I wake the patients as I pass them, notifying them of the change in nurses, which they all seemed okay with.

"Doctor Soot!" Amanda calls out, and I flick my head, smiling as I approach the wide-eyed girl.

"Good morning Amanda, how was your night?" I smile, and she giggles.

"It was good, I finally had my first dream here, normally they're always nightmares." She chuckles, and I raise my brows, my lips curling up further.

"Good to hear. Do you need an appointment?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"Nope, i'm quite alright right now. I can't wait for the library this morning." She squeals, and I chuckle.

"You sound exactly like Joko... you really are two pea's in a pod" I chuckle as she smile's toothly.

"... Hey, maybe we can all start a book club." I suggest, and she gasps.

"Sounds lovely!" She cheers, and I smile.

Alright then Amanda, I will see you later." I wave goodbye, and she gleefully says a goodbye.

I continue down the corridor, seeing the last cell.


"Schlatt.. Time to get up." I tap on his cell door, but his body doesn't flinch.

"Schlatt. Get up." I bang on it a bit harder, and he shoots up.

"Fuck man, way to scare the shit out of someone." He gasps, clutching at his chest as a light chuckle bursts from my lips.

"Sorry.. It's half eight, we leave to go to the library in five minutes." I explain, and he raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips,

"We?" He smirks fully, a dimple carving a hole into his left cheek. He was very easy to fall into an infatuation with.

"Doctor Soot?" He chuckles, and I blink, feeling my face grow red.

"You alright?" He laughs, pointing his hand towards my trousers.

I instantly look down, seeing the slight tent in my trousers. Embarrassing.

"Fuck." I mutter, flattening it out with my hand hastily as he begins to laugh.

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